1. Business Components.- 2. Model-Driven, Component-Based Development.- 3. SCARLET: Light-Weight Component Selection in BANKSEC.- 4. Built-In Contract Testing for Component-Based Development.- 5. Interfaces and Techniques for Runtime Testing of Component-Based Systems.- 6. The NEPTUNE Technology to Verify and to Document Software Components.- 7. The OOSPICE Assessment Component: Customizing Software Process Assessment to CBD.- 8. The OOSPICE Methodology Component: Creating a CBD Process Standard.- 9. QCCS: Quality Controlled Component-Based Software Development.- 10. Components for Embedded Devices: The PECOS Approach.- 11. Model-Based Risk Assessment in a Component-Based Software Engineering Process: The CORAS Approach to Identify Security Risks.- 12. A Vocabulary of Building Elements for Real-Time Systems Architectures.- 13. COTS Component-Based System Development: Processes and Problems.- 14. Component-Based Software Measurement.- Biographies.
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