Beep-beep! Chug-chug! Zooooom! Here is an introduction to machines that move in English and Maori that our littlest learners will love.
This beautiful, brightly illustrated board book introduces babies to the vehicles of Aotearoa in English and in Maori.
Let's go find and name some vehicles in English and Maori.
From building sites to airports, on the roads and out to sea, Aotearoa has so many vehicles to spot! This simple and eye-catching board book teaches Kiwi babies the names of things that zoom along in English and Maori, and will catch the attention of our machine-mad littlest learners.
Collect all the books in this bestselling bilingual English-Maori series for babies.
Beep-beep! Chug-chug! Zooooom! Here is an introduction to machines that move in English and Maori that our littlest learners will love.
This beautiful, brightly illustrated board book introduces babies to the vehicles of Aotearoa in English and in Maori.
Let's go find and name some vehicles in English and Maori.
From building sites to airports, on the roads and out to sea, Aotearoa has so many vehicles to spot! This simple and eye-catching board book teaches Kiwi babies the names of things that zoom along in English and Maori, and will catch the attention of our machine-mad littlest learners.
Collect all the books in this bestselling bilingual English-Maori series for babies.
Beep-beep! Chug-chug! Zooooom! Here is an introduction to machines that move in English and Maori that our littlest learners will love.
Fraser Williamson is an exhibiting artist (both nationally and
internationally) and a prolific children's illustrator. Over the
years he has illustrated a countless number children's books and
school journal stories and his unique style is instantly
recognisable. He lives on Auckland's North Shore with his wife
Loisi and their son Antonio. They like to spend their time between
Tonga, New Zealand and Spain.
Matthew Williamson is a graphic designer who has worked a for a
range of book and magazine publishers as a designer and art
director. Matthew lives just outside Warkworth with his wife Erena
and their two children, Miles and Moana. He runs Halcyon Design
(with brother Luke) and has collaborated with Fraser on a number of
projects besides their board books for Kiwi Babies.
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