30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 47 contains the papers presented at the 30th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) event held in Milan, Italy, May 24-27, 2020. It is a valuable resource for chemical engineers, chemical process engineers, researchers in industry and academia, students, and consultants for chemical industries.
30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 47 contains the papers presented at the 30th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) event held in Milan, Italy, May 24-27, 2020. It is a valuable resource for chemical engineers, chemical process engineers, researchers in industry and academia, students, and consultants for chemical industries.
PART AMODELLING AND SIMULATION1. Computer-aided Semi-empirical
Model of Interphase Mass and Enthalpy Transfer in a Packed Column
Distillation ProcessGoro Nishimura, Kunio Kataoka, Hideo Noda,
Naoto Ohmura2. Methanol Kinetics from Optimal Dynamic
ExperimentsCarsten Seidel, Achim Kienle3. Rigorous Modelling and
Simulation of the Mass Transfer on the Trays of a Pilot Scale
Distillation ColumnMayra Margarita May Vázquez, Fernando Israel
Gomez Castro, Mario Rodriguez- Angeles4. Development of a Virtual
Environment for the Rigorous Design and Optimization of
Shell-and-tube Heat ExchangersOscar Lara-Montano, Fernando Israel
Gomez Castro, Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio5. A Multiscale Modelling
Approach for the Design of New Polymer MaterialsAlain Dequidt,
Sebastien Garruchet, Benoit Latour, Nicolas Martzel, Ronald Blaak,
Etienne Munch, Nicolas Seeboth, Patrice Malfreyt6. Structured and
Unstructured (hybrid) Modeling in Precision MedicineLinas Mockus,
Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis, Yuehwern Yih7. A Two Carriers
Reactor Configuration for Packed Bed Chemical-looping for Power
GenerationErasmo Mancusi, Piero Bareschino, Annunziata Forgione,
Francesco Pepe8. Modeling of Liquid-liquid Phase Transfer
Catalysis: Process Intensification via Integration of Process
Systems Engineering and Computational ChemistryAbhimanyu Pudi, Adam
Karcz, Vahid Shadravan, Martin Peter Andersson, Seyed Mansouri9.
Investment Planning in Personalised MedicineDespoina Moschou, Maria
Papathanasiou, Matthew Lakelin, Nilay Shah10. A Stochastic
Modelling Approach to Describe the Effect of Drying Heterogeneity
in the Lyophilisation of Pharmaceutical VaccinesGabriele Bano,
Riccardo De-Luca, Emanuele Tomba, Fabrizio Bezzo, Massimiliano
Barolo11. CFD Simulation of Film and Rivulet Flows on
Microstructured SurfacesRene Bertling, Matthias Hack, Ilja Ausner,
Marc Wehrli, Eugeny Kenig12. Energy Reduction Potential in Natural
Gas Processing Through Heat and Process IntegrationMohamed El Amine
Berchiche, Salah Belaadi, Gregoire Leonard 6713. An Adaptive
Data-driven Modelling and Optimization Framework for Complex
Chemical Process DesignThomas Savage, Hector Almeida-Trasvina,
Ehecatl Antonio Del Rio Chanona, Robin Smith, Dongda Zhang14.
Modelling and Optimisation of Middle Vessel Batch DistillationElena
Catalina Udrea, Romuald Gyorgy, Costin Sorin Bildea15.
Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Microchannel Heat
Sink with the Aid of Internal Fins: a Metamodel ApproachVahid
Hosseinpour, Mohammad Kazemeini16. Optimization of Rfcc Process
Considering Particle Deposition ModelHyungtae Cho, Kwang Cheol Oh,
Jiheon Lee, Seokyoung Hong, Junghwan Kim17. Dimethyl Carbonate
Production by Urea Transesterification, Process Simulation and
Environmental AssessmentLaurent Astruc, Jose Miranda, Ivonne
Rodriguez-Donis, Claire Vialle, Caroline Sablayrolles18. Modeling
and Study of Hydrodynamic Flow within the Preneutralizer Reactor
Using CFD ApproachSafae Elmisaoui, Lhachmi Khamar, Saad Benjelloun,
Mohamed Khamar, Jean Michel Ghidaglia19. Modelling and Optimization
of a Multi-regional Hydrogen Supply System: a Case Study of
ChinaTianxiao Li, Pei Liu, Zheng Li20. A Hybrid Modelling Approach
to Developing Digital Twins of an Ultra- supercritical Steam
Turbine Control StageJianxi Yu, Pei Liu, Zheng Li21. Stochastic
Analyses on Relative Viscosity of Water-in-oil EmulsionsAna Sousa,
Maria Pereira, Henrique Matos22. Efficient Data-based Methodology
for Model Enhancement and Flowsheet Analyses for Continuous
Pharmaceutical ManufacturingPooja Bhalode, Nirupaplava Metta,
Yingjie Chen, Marianthi Ierapetritou23. Artificial Neural Network
to Capture the Dynamics of a Dividing Wall ColumnEduardo Sanchez
Ramirez, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Esteban
AbelardoHernández-Vargas24. An Optimal Design of
Expansion-contraction Microchannel Based on Blockage AnalysisLin
Wang, De Yan, Shuzhi Song, Jiarui Liu25. Comparative Study of
Surrogate Modelling Techniques Applied to Three Different Chemical
ProcessesRamon Mur, Ismael Diaz Moreno, Manuel Rodriguez
Hernandez26. A Non-autonomous Relativistic Frame of Reference for
Unit Operation DesignAndres Carranza-Abaid, Jana Jakobsen27.
Evaluating the Transient Operation of Pcc for Fast Response Gas
Turbines in a Future Low-carbon Energy SystemMathew Wilkes, Solomon
Brown28. Increasing Power System Flexibility to Integrate High
Share of Renewable EnergySiyuan Chen, Pei Liu, Zheng Li29. A
Discrete Modeling Approach for Excess Gibbs-energy Models Combined
with Molecular SamplingChristoph Mayer, Thomas Wallek30. Reliable
Modelling of Twin-screw Extruders by Integrating the Backflow Cell
Methodology into a Mechanistic ModelMaximilian Cegla, Sebastian
Engell31. Comparison of Two Meta-heuristics for the Bi-objective
Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Sequence Dependent Setup
TimesJoao Sacramento, Joao Pedrosa, Nelson Chibeles-Martins, Tânia
Pinto-Varela32. Simulation of the Crystallization Process Based on
Cellular Automata --- Snowflake Formation from Pure Water
SystemJianmin Liu, Jindong Dai, Chengyu Han, Junkai Zhang, Jiali
Ai, Chi Zhai, Xiaolin Liu, Wei Sun33. A Thermo-economic Analysis
Method for Combined Cycle Power Plants Under Flexible Operation
ModesSenjing Qin, Pei Liu, Zheng Li34. Two-phase Flow Modelling and
Simulation of Gas Purification ColumnLivia Gyurik, Attila Egedy,
Tamas Varga, Zsolt Ulbert35. Parameters Influencing the Rate-based
Simulation of CO2 Removal Units by Potassium Taurate
SolventStefania Moioli, Minh T. Ho, Laura A. Pellegrini, Dianne E.
Wiley36. Innovative Hybrid Energy System for Stable Power and Heat
Supply in Offshore Oil & Gas Installation (hes-off): System Design
and Grid StabilityLuca Riboldi, Erick Alves, Marcin Pilarczyk,
Elisabetta Tedeschi, Lars Nord37. Nonlinear Prediction Model of
Blast Furnace Operation StatusPourya Azadi, Saeid Ahangari
Minaabad, Hauke Bartusch, Rainer Klock, Sebastian Engell38. CFD
Simulation of a Solid-liquid Counter-current Screw
ExtractorAnnemarie Lehr, Gábor Janiga, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern,
Dominique Thevenin39. Optimum Utilization of Jatropha Seedcake
Considering the Energy, Water and Food NexusMohammad Alherbawi,
Ahmed Alnouss, Gordon Mckay, Tareq Al-Ansari40. Potential
Integrated Pathways for Jet Biofuel Production from Whole Fruit of
JatrophaMohammad Alherbawi, Tareq Al-Ansari, Gordon Mckay41.
Environmental Impacts of the Future German Energy System from
Integrated Energy Systems Optimization and Life Cycle
AssessmentChristiane Reinert, Sarah Deutz, Hannah Minten, Lukas
Doerpinghaus, Sarah Von Pfingsten, Nils Baumgaertner, Andre
Bardow42. A General Dynamic Model of a Complete Milk Pasteuriser
Unit Subject to FoulingMengjia Zhu, Federico Lozano Santamaria,
Sandro Macchietto43. A Nonsmooth Approach to Multicontaminant Mass
and Water IntegrationCaroline Nielsen, Paul I. Barton44. Systematic
Generation of a Robust Compartment Model for Counter-current Spray
DryersBorja Hernandez, Mark A. Pinto, Mariano Martin45.
Multiobjective Dynamic Optimization of Slow Freezing Processes for
Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Modeling Intracontainer
ConditionYusuke Hayashi, Ikki Horiguchi, Masahiro Kino-Oka,
Hirokazu Sugiyama46. Optimal Design of a Non-isothermal Hybrid
Catalyst Pellet Based on Pod-deim Reduced-order
MethodologyKatarzyna Bizon, Gaetano Continillo47. Cyclopentane
Purification from Multicomponent Azeotropic MixturesIntararit
Nuchteera, Pairojpiriyakul Thirasak, M. Chavagorn, C. Thanyalak,
Siemanond Kitipat48. Rigorous Simulation and Optimization of a
Plant-wide Glycerol Carbonate (gc) Production ProcessBor-Yih Yu,
Wei-Jen Chen49. Cfd-based Design Optimization of Air Quenching
Equipment to Enhance the Cooling EffectJiwon Roh, Hyungtae Cho,
Yeongryeol Choi, Hyundo Park, Il Moon, Junghwan Kim50. Integration
of Computational Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-
scale Modeling of BioprocessesNima Nazemzadeh, Laura Wind Sillesen,
Rasmus Fjordbak Nielsen, Mark Nicholas Jones, Krist V. Gernaey,
Martin Peter Andersson, Seyed Mansouri51. Performance Enhancement
of Acid Gas Cleaning Units in the Natural Gas Processing via Design
ModificationUmer Zahid, Amr Al-Amri52. Profitability Increase of a
Formaldehyde PlantAna Catarina Braz, Jorge Rocha, Ricardo Alvim,
Henrique Matos53. Automatic Improved Hybrid Scheduling and
Worker-task Allocation Method Applied to Multi-purpose Production
PlantsRaul Calvo-Serrano, Matteo Abaecherli, Ruben Jungius, Thomas
Kreuzer, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez54. Efficient Amine-based Carbon
Capture in a Power-to-jet Process Under Varying Renewable
Electricity SupplyMahmoud Mostafa, Christopher Varela, Elvis
Ahmetovic, Edwin Zondervan55. Analysis and Optimization of Carbon
Supply Chains Integrated to a Power to Gas Plant in ItalyGrazia
Leonzio, Edwin Zondervan56. Effect of Selective Size Extraction of
Microalgae from a PhotobioreactorErgys Pahija, Chi-Wai Hui, John M.
Woodley, Gurkan Sin57. Numerical Modelling for Environmental Impact
Assessment of Sediment Dispersion in Port AreasStefania Magri,
Patrizia De Gaetano, Alessandra Feola, Iolanda Lisi, Andrea
Salmeri, Francesco Venti, Andrea Pedroncini58. An Efficient
Hybridization of Gaussian Processes and Clustering for Electricity
Price ForecastingAaron Steven Yeardley, Diarmid Roberts, Robert
Milton, Solomon Brown59. CFD Analysis of the Use of Desert Sand as
Thermal Energy Storage Medium in a Solar Powered Fluidised Bed
Harvesting UnitMustapha Hamdan, Daniel Sebastia-Saez, Malak Hamdan,
Harvey Arellano-Garcia60. Model of Spray-drying for Encapsulation
of Natural ExtractsAndrea Bassani, Francesco Rossi, Cecilia
Fiorentini, Guillermo Duserm Garrido, Gintaras Victor Rex
Reklaitis, Irene Bonadies, Giorgia Spigno61. Modelling and
Simulation of Low Pressure Carburizing FurnacesFatima Matamoros
Marin, Pierre-Alexandre Glaude, Roda Bounaceur, Hubert Monnier,
Abderrazak M. Latifi62. Thermodynamic Analysis of Different
Methanation Reactors for Biogas UpgradingSayed Ebrahim Hashemi,
Kristian M. Lien, Sondre K. Schnell, Bjorn Austbo63. Optimisation
of Energy Consumption in a Medium-scale Reverse Osmosis Brackish
Water Desalination PlantAlanood Alsarayreh, Mudhar Al-Obaidi, Amro
Al-Hroub, Raj Patel, Iqbal Mujtaba64. Minimisation of Energy
Consumption via Optimisation of a Simple Hybrid System of Multi
Effect Distillation and Permeate Reprocessing Reverse Osmosis
Processes for Seawater DesalinationOmer Al-Hotmani, Mudhar
Al-Obaidi, Y. M. John, Raj Patel, Flavio Manenti, Iqbal Mujtaba65.
Modelling and Performance Evaluation of
Humidification-dehumidification Desalination Plant with Column
Packing of Various TexturesDamson Kaunga, Raj Patel, Iqbal
Mujtaba66. Application Domain Discovery of Thermodynamic Models by
Mixture of Experts LearningOmar Hamadi, Tamas Varga, Janos
Abonyi67. Kinetics Study on Removal of Cadmium from WastewaterHaya
Alyasi, Hamish Mackey, Gordon Mckay68. Cost-effective Processes of
Solar District Heating System Based on Optimal Artificial Neural
NetworkMohamed Abokersh, Manel Valles Valles, Laureano Jimenez,
Dieter Boer69. Packed-bed and Microchannel Reactors for the
Reactive Capture of CO2 within Power-to-methane (p2m) Context: a
ComparisonSantiago Ortiz, Camilo Rengifo, Martha Cobo, Manuel
Figueredo70. Design and Eco-techno-economic Analyses of Sofc / Gas
Turbine Hybrid Systems Accounting for Long-term DegradationHaoxiang
Lai, Nor Farida Harun, David Tucker, Thomas Alan Adams Ii71.
Analysis of the Effect of the Ceramic Membrane Module Based on
Ebsilon Software on Water Recovery of Flue Gas from Coal-fired
Power PlantsChao Jiang, Chenhui Jia, Pei Liu, Zheng Li72.
Multi-objective Optimization Under Uncertainty of Novel Chpc
ProcessDaniele Previtali, Francesco Rossi, Gintaras Victor Rex
Reklaitis, Flavio Manenti73. Multi-objective Dynamic Optimisation
of Ampicillin Batch CrystallisationAntonios Dafnomilis, Samir Diab,
Alistair Rodman, Andreas Boudouvis, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis74.
Reliability Estimation for Sensor Networks in Chemical Plants Using
Monte Carlo MethodsJose Hernandez, Carolina Salto, Gabriela
Minetti, Mercedes Carnero, Mabel Sánchez75. Low Temperature
Applications for CO2 Capture in Hydrogen ProductionDonghoi Kim,
David Berstad, Rahul Anantharaman, Julian Straus, Thijs Peters,
Truls Gundersen76. Development and Application of Simulation-based
Methods for Engineering Optimization Under UncertaintyAtli Freyr
Magnusson, Resul Al, Gurkan Sin77. An Application of Computer
Vision for Optimal Sensor Placement in Drop PrintingAndrew
Radcliffe, Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis 45778. Livestock
Production Planning with Batch-lines in the Agriculture
IndustryBrenno Menezes, Jeffrey Kelly, Tareq Al-Ansari 46379.
Ethanol Reforming: Setting Up Performance TargetShahid Ansari,
Baraka Sempuga, Xinying Liu 46980. Thermodynamic Framework for
Cryogenic Carbon CaptureLaura A. Pellegrini, Giorgia De Guido,
Stefania Ingrosso81. Investigation of a Hybrid Approach to Find all
Solutions of Nonlinear Equation SystemsSaskia Bublitz, Erik Esche,
Jens-Uwe Repke82. Fast and Accurate Simulation of Simulated Moving
Bed Chromatographic Processes with Linear Adsorption
IsothermsRojiar Pishkari, Achim Kienle83. Efficient
Parameterization of a Surrogate Model of Molecular Interactions in
CrystalsDavid Bowskill, Isaac Sugden, Neil George, Adam Keates,
Jennifer Webb, Constantinos Pantelides, Claire S. Adjiman84.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of CO2 Methanation in a
Fixed-bed Profile ReactorSteffen Flaischlen, Jan Martin, Bjarne
Kreitz, Thomas Turek, Gregor D. Wehinger85. Data-driven Approach
for Predictive Modeling of By-product Formation in Methanol
SynthesisTibor Svitnic, Nga Do, Timm Schuhmann, Thomas Renner,
Stephane Haag, Evrim Ors86. Modeling of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Considering H2 and CO Electrochemical ReactionsJia-Lin Kang,
Chien-Chien Wang, Po-Hsun Chang, David Shan Hill Wong, Shi- Shang
Jang, Chun-Hsiu Wang87. Design Optimization of C3mr Natural Gas
Liquefaction ProcessPavan Veldandi, Sunjay Kurian88. A Practical
Application of Simulation-based Surrogate Modeling for Prereformer
ReactorRobin Schmidt, Amelie Chattot, Amal Bouchrit, Moein Mighani,
Evrim Ors89. Development of a Microkinetic Model for the CO2
Methanation with an Automated Reaction Mechanism GeneratorBjarne
Kreitz, Gregor D. Wehinger, Franklin Goldsmith, Thomas Turek90.
Custom-made Temporomandibular Joint Mechanical Simulation:
Different Fixation PatternAnita Gaia Mazzocco, Andre Luiz Jardini,
Elifas Levy Nunes, Rubens Maciel Filho91. Cluster Analysis of Crude
Oils Based on Physicochemical PropertiesAndre Sancho, Jorge
Ribeiro, Marco Reis, Fernando Martins92. Optimization and Control
of a Rainwater Detention and Harvesting TankQiao Yan Soh, Edward
O'Dwyer, Salvador Acha, Nilay Shah93. Modelling and Simulation of
Methanol Production and Conversion into Various Chemical
Intermediates and ProductsLetitia Petrescu, Stefan-Cristian
Galusnyak, Dora-Andreea Chisalita, Calin-Cristian Cormos94.
Evaluating the Existing Protocol for Lng Bunkering OperationsAruna
Coimbatore Meenakshi Sundaram, Karimi Iftekhar Abubakar95. A
Recycle Model of Spent Liquor in Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic
BiomassFranco Mangone, Soledad Gutierrez96. Promo-a
Multi-disciplinary Process Modelling SuiteHeinz A Preisig97.
Performance Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Coupling to Biogas
Tri- reforming with Installation of Hydrogen-selective Membrane
SeparatorDang Saebea, S. Soisuwan, Yaneeporn Patcharavorachot98. A
Grain-scale Study of Swelling Composite Porous Media Made of Fibres
and ParticlesTommaso Santagata, Roberto Solimene, Gilberto Aprea,
Piero Salatino99. Assessing the Sensitivity of Technical
Performance of Three Ethanol Production Processes Based on the
Fermentation of Steel Manufacturing Offgas, Syngas and a 3:1
Mixture Between H2 and CO2Eduardo F. Almeida, Henk Noorman, Rubens
Maciel Filho, John A. Posada100. Techno-economic and Environmental
Assessment of Electrofuels: a Case Study of Gasoline Production
Using a Pem ElectrolyserDiego Freire Ordonez, Gonzalo
Guillen-Gosalbez101. Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Looping
Combustion in Packed Bed ReactorsVlad-Cristian Sandu,
Calin-Cristian Cormos, Ana-Maria Cormos102. Life Cycle Analysis of
Phenol - Formaldehyde Resins Substituted with LigninOlivia Ana
Perederic, Aikaterini Mountraki, Electra Papadopoulou, John M.
Woodley, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis103. Transport Model of Fluids
Injected in a Landfill Polluted with Lindane WastesDavid Lorenzo,
Aurora Santos, Carmen M. Dominguez, Joaquin Guadano, Jorge Gomez,
Jesus Fernández104. Modeling and Optimization for Short-term
Scheduling of Plastic Bag PlantsMyrian Gabriela Santos Torres, Jose
Alberto Bandoni, Marta Susana Moreno105. Analysis of an Industrial
Adsorption Process Based on Ammonia Chemisorption: Modeling and
SimulationCristian Cardenas, Stephanie Marsteau, Lea Sigot, Cecile
Vallieres, Abderrazak M. Latifi106. Propagation of Parametric
Uncertainty in a Conceptually Designed Bioethanol Production
ProcessDilara B. Yıldız, Nihat A. Sayar107. New set of Graphical
Axes for Grassroots Design of Heat Exchanger Networks for Chemical
Engineering ApplicationsDina Kamel, Mamdouh Gadalla, Fatma
Ashour108. A Novel Process for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis Using
Inter-stage Ceramic Membrane for Water RemovalAbdulrahman
Al-Rabiah109. Computer-aided Solvent Mixture Design for the
Crystallisation and Isolation of Mefenamic AcidSuela Jonuzaj,
Oliver L. Watson, Sara Ottoboni, Chris J. Price, Jan Sefcik, Amparo
Galindo, George Jackson, Claire S. Adjiman110. Direct Dme Synthesis
from Syngas: a Technoeconomic Model-based InvestigationAndrea
Bernardi, Yuchu Chen, David Chadwick, Benoit Chachuat111. Microbial
Pb(ii) Precipitation: Kinetic Modelling of Pb(ii) Removal and
Microbial GrowthCarla Horstmann, Deon Brink, Evans Chirwa112.
Optimization of a Cyclone Reactor for Biomass Hydropyrolysis
Through Global Sensitivity Analysis and Stochastic OptimizationYris
Gonzalez, Wilfredo Angulo, Dany De Cecchis, Maria Lucena, Santiago
D Salas113. Dynamic Modeling for Phb Production Based on Linear Mfa
and Measurements from Batch FermentationAdriana C. Torres Ospina,
Carlos A. M. Riascos114. A Methodological Design Framework for
Hybrid "power-to-methane" and "power-to-hydrogen" Supply Chains:
Application to Occitania Region, FranceEduardo Carrera Guilarte,
Catherine Azzaro-Pantel
PART B115. A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model to Determine
the Optimal Screening Strategy for Colorectal CancerDavid Young,
Selen Cremaschi116. Beyond Opospm: a Corrected Maximum Entropy
Weibull Distribution for Solving Population BalancesMenwer
Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart117. The Effect of Age on the Delivery of
Intravenous Anesthesia: a Physiologically- based Modeling Approach
to Pediatric PatientsDaniel Salis, Adriana Savoca, Davide Manca118.
Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling
of Unfractionated Heparin to Predict Activated Clotting TimeFilippo
Regorda, Emiliano Vigoni, Giuseppe Pesenti, Marina Pieri,
Alessandro Belletti, Davide Manca119. Application of a
Pharmacokinetic Model to Inform the Optimal Dose for Individualized
Drug AdministrationGiuseppe Pesenti, Marco Foppoli, Adriana Savoca,
Davide Manca120. Energy-efficient Solvent Properties for the
Post-combustion Carbon Dioxide CaptureJin He, Pei Liu, Zheng Li121.
The Role of Process Engineering in the Digital
TransformationNorbert Jung
SYNTHESIS AND DESIGN122. A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Approach for the
Automated Superstructure Generation ProblemLuca Mencarelli,
Alexandre Pagot123. Rational Design of Ion Exchange Simulated
Moving Bed ProcessesMarcus Fechtner, Achim Kienle124. Optimal Use
of Process Streams as Working Fluids in Work and Heat Exchange
Networks (whens)Haoshui Yu, Chao Fu, Truls Gundersen, Emre
Gencer125. Computer Aided Molecular Design of Green Solvents for
the Hydroformylation of Long-chain OlefinesTobias Kessler,
Christian Kunde, Steffen Linke, Kevin McBride, Kai Sundmacher,
Achim Kienle126. Integration of Design and Operation Using Dynamic
Perturbation and Chance Constraints with Unscented
TransformChristian Hoffmann, Joris Weigert, Erik Esche, Jens-Uwe
Repke 751127. Modelling of Organophilic and Hydrophilic
Pervaporations for Separation of Ethyl Acetate – Water
MixtureAndras Jozsef Toth, Eniko Haaz, Reka Ladanyi, Botond
Szilagyi, Daniel Fozer, Asmaa Selim, Tibor Nagy, Peter Mizsey128.
Superstructure Optimization for the Design of a Desalination Plant
to Tackle the Water Scarcity in Texas (usa)Marcello Di Martino,
Styliani Avraamidou, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos129. Optimal Design
of a Multi-product Polycrystalline Silicon FacilityCesar
Ramirez-Marquez, Edgar Martin-Hernandez, Mariano Martin, Juan
Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez130. Synthesis and Optimization of a
Furfural Production Process. a Case Study of Mexico Considering
Different Lignocellulosic FeedstocksGabriel Contreras-Zarazua,
Mariano Martin, Eduardo Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Gabriel
Segovia-Hernandez131. Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit for Processes
with Multiple Operating Cases: a Metaheuristic ApproachJan A.
Stampfli, Donald G. Olsen, Beat Wellig, Rene Hofmann132.
Sustainable Process Synthesis, Design and Innovation of
Bio-succinic Acid ProductionRofice Dickson, Enrico Mancini, Nipun
Garg, Jay Liu, Manuel Pinelo, Seyed Mansouri133. Optimal Design of
Macroalgae-based Integrated Biorefinery: Economic and Environmental
PerspectiveRofice Dickson, Jun-Hyung Ryu, Jay Liu134. Integrating
Superstructure Optimization Under Uncertainty and Optimal
Experimental Design in Early Stage Process DevelopmentStefanie
Kaiser, Sebastian Engell135. A Thermodynamic Approach for
Simultaneous Solvent and Process Design of Continuous Reactive
Crystallization with RecyclingNethrue Mendis, Jiayuan Wang, Richard
Lakerveld136. Synthesis of Complex Distillation Sequences with
Multiple FeedsJose A. Caballero, Juan A. Reyes-Labarta, Juan
Javaloyes-Anton137. Integrating Suppliers into the Simultaneous
Process and Product Design of Formulated ProductsManuel Taifouris,
Mariano Martin, Alberto Martinez, Nats Esquejo138. Modeling
Framework Forjoint Product and Process Synthesis with Material
Recovery OpportunitiesAna Somoza-Tornos, Qi Chen, Moises Graells,
Antonio Espuna, Ignacio E. Grossmann139. Value Chain Synthesis in
Algae Biorefineries Under UncertaintyMelina Psycha, Lorenzo-Andreas
Mamos, Antonis Kokossis140. Effect of Flue Gas Composition on the
Design of a CO2 Capture PlantAna Gabriela Romero-Garcia, Nelly
Ramirez-Corona, Eduardo Sanchez Ramirez, Heriberto Alcocer-García,
Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez141. Deterministic Global
Optimization of Multistage Membrane Gas Separation Using Surrogate
ModelsMarius Hoernschemeyer, Christian Kunde142. An Innovative and
Fully Automated System for Gel Electrophoresis Konstantinos
Theodoridis, Fotios Stergiopoulos, Dimitrios Bechtsis, Nikolaos
Nikolaidis, Dimitrios Triantafillides, Apostolos Tsagaris,
Anastasios Filelis, Asterios Papaikonomou143. Integrated Design of
Process Configuration and Scheduling for Hydrogen Peroxide
Decontamination in Biopharmaceutical Injectable ManufacturingKeisho
Yabuta, Haruka Futamura, Koji Kawasaki, Hirokazu Sugiyama144.
Social Life Cycle Assessment of Pulp and Paper Production-a
Portuguese Case StudyAndreia Santos, Catherine Norris, Ana Paula
Barbosa-Povoa, Ana CarvalhO145. Determining the Design Parameters
of Reactive Distillation Processes by a Quick Mapping MethodRahma
Muthia, Megan Jobson, Anton Alexandru Kiss146. Conceptual Design
Based on Superstructure Optimization in Gams with Accurate
Thermodynamic ModelsDavid Krone, Erik Esche, Norbert Asprion, Mirko
Skiborowski, Jens-Uwe Repke147. A Multiperiod Approach for Flexible
Work and Heat IntegrationLeandro Pavao, Mauro Antonio Da Silva Sá
Ravagnani, Caliane Costa148. Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
Based on Decomposition (moea/d) for Optimal Design of Hydrogen
Supply ChainsVictor Cantu, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel, Antonin
Ponsich149. Integrated in Silico Design of Catalysts and Processes
Based on Quantum ChemistryChristoph Gertig, Lorenz Fleitmann, Carl
Hemprich, Janik Hense, Andre Bardow, Kai Leonhard150. In Silico
Screening of Metal-organic Frameworks for Acetylene/ethylene
SeparationYageng Zhou, Teng Zhou, Kai Sundmacher151. Process
Synthesis and Simultaneous Heat and Electricity Integration to
Reduce Consumption of Primary Energy SourcesAndreja Nemet, Timothy
Gordon Walmsley, Elvis Ahmetovic, Zdravko Kravanja152. Coproduction
of Ethylene and Propylene Based on Ethane and Propane
FeedstocksAlejandro Pedrozo, Belen Rodriguez Reartes, Maria Soledad
Diaz, A. R. Vecchietti, Ignacio E. Grossmann153. Circular Economy
Analysis of Helium Recovery from Sales Gas ProductAhmed Alnouss,
Saad Al-Sobhi154. Optimal Design and Operation of Flexible
Polygeneration Systems Using Decomposition AlgorithmsAvinash
Shankar Rammohan Subramanian, Thomas Alan Adams Ii, Truls
Gundersen, Paul I. Barton155. Computational Shape Optimization of
Microreactors Based on CFD Simulation and Surrogate Model Driven
OptimizationRunzhe Liang, Zhihong Yuan156. High-purity Dmc
Production by Indirect Alcoholysis of Urea: Optimal Design and
ControlIulian Patrascu, Costin Sorin Bildea, Anton Alexandru
Kiss157. Optimization of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Sizing with
Heat Transfer EnhancementZekun Yang, Yingjie Ma, Nan Zhang, Robin
Smith158. The Evaluation of Combined Heat and Mass Exchanger
Network Synthesis Using Novle Stage-wise SuperstructureEleonora
Amelia, Siemanond Kitipat, Saura Pierucci, Flavio Manenti, Giulia
Bozzano, Davide Manco159. An Improved Superstructure-based Model
for Integrating an Organic Rankine Cycle into Total SiteZheng Chu,
Nan Zhang, Robin Smith160. MINLP Synthesis of Flexible Process Flow
Sheets Under Variable Carbon Tax RatesKlavdija Zirngast, Zdravko
Kravanja, Zorka Novak Pintaric161. Design Space Investigation for
Development of Continuous Flow Syntheses of Active Pharmaceutical
IngredientsSamir Diab, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis162. Optimization of
Liquid Air Energy Storage (laes) Using a Genetic
Algorithm(ga)Zhongxuan Liu, Haoshui Yu, Truls Gundersen163.
Sensitivity Analysis of Desulfurization Costs for Small-scale
Natural Gas Sweetening UnitsYushi Deng, Shuang Xu, Kylie Webb,
Harrison Wright, Paul Dimick, Selen Cremaschi, Mario Eden164.
Synthesis of Heat Pump Enhanced Solar Thermal for Low and Medium
Temperature OperationsBen Abikoye, Lidija Cucek, Danijela Urbancl,
Adeniyi Isafiade, Zdravko Kravanja165. Protein from Renewable
Resources: Mycoprotein Production from Agricultural ResiduesThomas
Upcraft, Rob Johnson, Tim Finnigan, Jason Hallett, Miao Guo166.
Energy Efficient Distillation by Combination of Thermal Coupling
and Heat IntegrationMirko Skiborowski167. Optimization-based Design
of Rotating Packed Beds with Zickzack PackingsKai Kruber, Hina
Qammar, Mirko Skiborowski168. Design Concepts for Pressurized Lng
Storage TanksMarian Krol169. utomatic Synthesis of Distillation
Processes for the Separation of Heterogeneous Azeotropic
Multi-component MixturesThulasi Sasi, Kai Kruber, Moreno Ascani,
Mirko Skiborowski170. Technical and Economic Feasibility of Direct
Methane Conversion for Hydrocarbon Production: Process Design and
Techno-economic AnalysisThai Ngan Do, Yong Tae Kim, Jiyong Kim171.
Optimization Study of H2/co Ratio in the Steam Gasification of Pks
Using Coal Bottom Ash for Fuel Production Through Response Surface
MethodologyMuhammad Shahbaz , Tareq Al-Ansari, Gordon Mckay, Suzana
Yusup, Muddasser Inayat172. Co2-based Acetic Acid Production
AssessmentKelvin Andre Pacheco, Antonio Esio Bresciani, Claudio A.
Oller Nascimento, Rita Maria Brito Alves173. CO2 Conversion into
Formates/carbamates in an Electrolyte SystemMaria Clara Mendes
Silva, Alessandra Carvalho Reis, Antonio Esio Bresciani, Newton
Libanio Ferreira, Rita Maria Brito Alves174. Process Systems Design
Framework for Resource Recovery from WastewaterAlex Durkin, Marcos
Millan-Agorio, Miao Guo175. Intensified Green Process for
Synthesizing Non-phosgene Hexamethylene-1,6- dicarbamateSan-Jang
Wang, David Shan Hill Wong, Yu-Zhang Chen, En-Ko Lee176. Heat
Exchanger Network Optimization Including Detailed Heat Exchanger
Models Using Trust Region MethodSaif Kazi, Michael Short, Lorenz T.
Biegler177. MINLP Model for Reliability Optimization of System
Design and Maintenance Based on Markov Chain RepresentationYixin
Ye, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Jose Pinto, Sivaraman Ramaswamy178.
Synthesis of Sustainable Integrated Process, Water Treatment and
Power Generation NetworksYue Li, Zhihong Yuan, Rafiqul Gani179.
Non-newtonian Analysis of a Counter-flow Mixing Reactor for Fast
Hydrothermal LiquefactionKhanh-Quang Tran180. Techno-economic
Analysis of Heat Pumping Technology for Oleochemical Fatty Acid
FractionationNorul Malakiah Sidek, Mohamad
Sauro Pierucci is president and former vice president of AIDIC Servizi Srl, and a former professor in Chemical Engineering at CMIC Politecnico di Milano, where he also graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1969. He was member of EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering) executive board until 2010. He has edited several international publications and is currently the editor-in-chief of the Chemical Engineering Transactions Journal, published by AIDIC, and the author of more than 200 scientific publications. In 2017, he was awarded by “the Dieter Behrens Medal from EFCE. Flavio Manenti (Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Milano) is experienced in chemical process simulations for design and operational purposes. He developed AG2S™ technology for thermal conversion of CO2 and codeveloped BzzMath library. He is the author of peer-reviewed papers and books on the topic and is the President of the Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. Giulia Bozzano is professor of Transport phenomena at CMIC Dept. “Giulio Natta of Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Centre For Sustainable Process Engineering Reserach (SuPER), and secretary of CAPE Working Party of The European Federation Of Chemical Engineers (EFCE). She has authored 100+ papers indexed by main databases and filed patents and models applied on many industrial applications especially in the area of steam and thermal cracking of hydrocarbons and ammonia and methanol synthesis. She supervises M.Sc/Ph.D. students each year and she has led industrial and public projects on biomass treatment and biorefineries. Her research activity is associated to contracts with industry and public financing and faces with a wide variety of problems related to transport phenomena, reactor and kinetic modeling, process system engineering. Davide Manca received the M.Sc. in 1990 and the PhD in 1994, both on “Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI, Italy). He is professor of Process Systems Engineering and head of the PSE-Lab at POLIMI since 2002.He is (co)author of more than 210 peer-reviewed publications on international journals and conferences with a few book chapters.In more than twenty years of academic employment, he conjugated research activityand industrial advice to make these worlds better interact and get benefit from their mutual collaboration. At the basis of Davide’s research is the modeling activity that has the quantification of what is analyzed as the final target. Design, simulation, control, optimization, and assessment are the main features that use computer algorithms and methods to produce the quantification of phenomena, processes, and plants.Davide has taught Numerical Calculus, Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes,Process Systems Engineering. He has been the supervisor of tens of students involved in the bachelor, master, and PhD degrees.He was founder and director of R&D and Engineering department at Virthualis, a spin- off company of POLIMI, working on operator training simulation in 3D immersive virtual environments.Under his direction, PSE Lab has worked on a number of European and Italian research projects with a fruitful collaboration with international universities and companies.
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