Ashutosh Tiwari is an Associate Professor at the Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, Linköping University, Sweden; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters and Advanced Materials Reviews; Secretary General, International Association of Advanced Materials; a materials chemist and also a docent in applied physics at Linköping University, Sweden. He has published more than 350 articles, patents, and conference proceedings in the field of materials science and technology and has edited/authored about twenty books on the advanced state-of-the-art of materials science. He is a founding member of the Advanced Materials World Congress and the Indian Materials Congress. Mustafa M. Demir received his PhD degree from Sabanci University, Turkey, in 2004. From 2004 to 2007 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany. He then moved to Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, where he is now Chairman of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Preface xv Part 1: Principals and Prospective 1 1 Advances in Sensors? Nanotechnology 3 Ida Tiwari and Manorama Singh 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 What is Nanotechnology? 4 1.3 Significance of Nanotechnology 5 1.4 Synthesis of Nanostructure 5 1.5 Advancements in Sensors' Research Based on Nanotechnology 5 1.6 Use of Nanoparticles 7 1.7 Use of Nanowires and Nanotubes 8 1.8 Use of Porous Silicon 11 1.9 Use of Self-Assembled Nanostructures 12 1.10 Receptor-Ligand Nanoarrays 12 1.11 Characterization of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials 13 1.12 Commercialization Efforts 14 1.13 Future Perspectives 14 References 15 2 Construction of Nanostructures: A Basic Concept Synthesis and Their Applications 19 Rizwan Wahab, Farheen Khan, Nagendra K. Kaushik, Javed Musarrat and Abdulaziz A.Al-Khedhairy 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 Formation of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots (ZnO-QDs) and Their Applications 24 2.3 Needle-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanism 30 2.4 Flower-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanism 37 2.5 Construction of Mixed Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanicsm 47 2.6 Summary and Future Directions 56 References 57 3 The Role of the Shape in the Design of New Nanoparticles 61 G. Mayeli Estrada-Villegas and Emilio Bucio 3.1 Introduction 62 3.2 The Importance of Shape as Nanocarries 63 3.3 Influence of Shape on Biological Process 65 3.4 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles 67 3.5 Different Shapes of Non-Polymeric Nanoparticles 71 3.6 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles: Examples 74 3.7 Another Type of Nanoparticles 76 Acknowledgments 80 References 80 4 Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as Advanced Material for Development of Enantioselective Sensing Devices 87 Mahavir Prasad Tiwari and Bhim Bali Prasad 4.1 Introduction 88 4.2 Molecularly Imprinted Chiral Polymers 90 4.3 MIP-Based Chiral Sensing Devices 91 4.4 Conclusion 105 References 105 5 Role of Microwave Sintering in the Preparation of Ferrites for High Frequency Applications 111 S. Bharadwaj and S.R. Murthy 5.1 Microwaves in General 112 5.2 Microwave-Material Interactions 114 5.3 Microwave Sintering 115 5.4 Microwave Equipment 118 5.5 Kitchen Microwave Oven Basic Principle 122 5.6 Microwave Sintering of Ferrites 126 5.7 Microwave Sintering of Garnets 137 5.8 Microwave Sintering of Nanocomposites 138 References 140 Part 2: New Materials and Methods 147 6 Mesoporous Silica: Making "Sense" of Sensors 149 Surender Duhan and Vijay K. Tomer 6.1 Introduction to Sensors 150 6.2 Fundamentals of Humidity Sensors 153 6.3 Types of Humidity Sensors 154 6.4 Humidity Sensing Materials 156 6.5 Issues with Traditional Materials in Sensing Technology 158 6.6 Introduction to Mesoporous Silica 159 6.7 M41S Materials 160 6.8 SBA Materials 162 6.9 Structure of SBA-15 164 6.10 Structure Directing Agents of SBA-15 165 6.11 Factors Affecting Structural Properties and Morphology of SBA-15 169 6.12 Modification of Mesoporous Silica 174 6.13 Characterization Techniques for Mesoporous Materials 177 6.14 Humidity Sensing of SBA-15 184 6.15 Extended Family of Mesoporous Silica 185 6.16 Other Applications of SBA-15 188 6.17 Conclusion 190 References 191 7 Towards Improving the Functionalities of Porous TiO2-Au/Ag Based Materials 193 Monica Baia, Virginia Danciu, Zsolt Pap and Lucian Baia 7.1 Porous Nanostructures Based on Tio2 and Au/Ag Nanoparticles for Environmental Applications 194 7.2 Morphological Particularities of the TiO2-based Aerogels 199 7.3 Designing the TiO2 Porous Nano-architectures for Multiple Applications 201 7.4 Evaluating the Photocatalytic Performances of the TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites for Destroying Water Chemical Pollutants 208 7.5 Testing the Effectiveness of the TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites for Sensing Water Chemical Pollutants by SERS 210 7.6 In-depth Investigations of the Most Efficient Multifunctional TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites 216 7.7 Conclusions 221 Acknowledgments 223 References 223 8 Ferroelectric Glass-Ceramics 229 Viswanathan Kumar 8.1 Introduction 230 8.2 (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3 [BST] Glass-Ceramics 232 8.3 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (B2O3: x SiO2) 234 8.4 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (BaO: Al2O3: 2SiO2) 245 8.5 Comparision of the Two BST Glass-Ceramic Systems 254 8.6 Pb(ZrxTi1-x)TiO3[PZT] Glass-Ceramics 256 References 263 9 NASICON: Synthesis, Structure and Electrical Characterization 265 Umaru Ahmadu 9.1 Introduction 265 9.2 Theretical Survey of Superionic Conduction 268 9.3 NASICON Synthesis 271 9.4 NASICON Structure and Properties 273 9.5 Characterization Techniques 278 9.6 Experimental Results 291 9.7 Problems, Applications, and Prospects 299 9.8 Conclusion 300 Acknowledgments 300 References 300 10 Ionic Liquids 309 Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho Mozumdar 10.1 Ionic Liquids: What Are They? 309 10.2 Historical Background 310 10.3 Classification of Ionic Liquids 311 10.4 Properties of Ionic Liquids, Physical and Chemical 314 10.5 Synthesis Methods of Ionic Liquids 323 10.6 Characterization of Ionic Liquids 329 10.7 Major Applications of ILs 330 10.8 ILs in Organic Transformations 331 10.9 ILs for Synthesis and Stabilization of Metal Nanoparticles 339 10.10 Challenges with Ionic Liquids 344 References 346 11 Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers 369 Jyotishmoy Borah and Niranjan Karak 11.1 Introduction 369 11.2 Synthesis of Dendritic Polymers 372 11.3 Characterization 385 11.4 Properties 391 11.5 Applications 398 11.6 Conclusion 403 References 404 Part 3: Advanced Structures and Properties 413 12 Theoretical Investigation of Superconducting State Parameters of Bulk Metallic Glasses 415 Aditya M. Vora 12.1 Introduction 415 12.2 Computational Methodology 417 12.3 Results and Discussion 421 12.4 Conclusions 434 References 434 13 Macroscopic Polarization and Thermal Conductivity of Binary Wurtzite Nitrides 439 Bijaya Kumar Sahoo 13.1 Introduction 440 13.2 The Macroscopic Polarization 441 13.3 Effective Elastic Constant, C44 442 13.4 Group Velocity of Phonons 443 13.5 Phonon Scattering Rates 444 13.6 Thermal Conductivity of InN 445 13.7 Summary 449 References 450 14 Experimental and Theoretical Background to Study Materials 453 Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho Mozumdar 14.1 Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering (Photon Correlation Spectroscopy) 453 14.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 456 14.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy [2] 457 14.4 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 459 14.5 UV-visible Spectroscopy 461 14.6 FT-IR Spectroscopy 462 14.7 NMR Spectroscopy 463 14.8 Mass Spectrometry 464 14.9 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer 465 References 466 15 Graphene and Its Nanocomposites for Gas Sensing Applications 467 Parveen Saini, Tapas Kuila, Sanjit Saha and Naresh Chandra Murmu 15.1 Introduction 468 15.2 Principles of Chemical Sensing by Conducting Nanocomposite Materials 470 15.3 Synthesis of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 472 15.4 Characterization of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 473 15.5 Chemical Sensing of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 477 15.6 Conclusion and Future Aspects 493 Acknowledgements 494 References 494 Index 501
Show moreAshutosh Tiwari is an Associate Professor at the Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, Linköping University, Sweden; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters and Advanced Materials Reviews; Secretary General, International Association of Advanced Materials; a materials chemist and also a docent in applied physics at Linköping University, Sweden. He has published more than 350 articles, patents, and conference proceedings in the field of materials science and technology and has edited/authored about twenty books on the advanced state-of-the-art of materials science. He is a founding member of the Advanced Materials World Congress and the Indian Materials Congress. Mustafa M. Demir received his PhD degree from Sabanci University, Turkey, in 2004. From 2004 to 2007 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany. He then moved to Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, where he is now Chairman of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Preface xv Part 1: Principals and Prospective 1 1 Advances in Sensors? Nanotechnology 3 Ida Tiwari and Manorama Singh 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 What is Nanotechnology? 4 1.3 Significance of Nanotechnology 5 1.4 Synthesis of Nanostructure 5 1.5 Advancements in Sensors' Research Based on Nanotechnology 5 1.6 Use of Nanoparticles 7 1.7 Use of Nanowires and Nanotubes 8 1.8 Use of Porous Silicon 11 1.9 Use of Self-Assembled Nanostructures 12 1.10 Receptor-Ligand Nanoarrays 12 1.11 Characterization of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials 13 1.12 Commercialization Efforts 14 1.13 Future Perspectives 14 References 15 2 Construction of Nanostructures: A Basic Concept Synthesis and Their Applications 19 Rizwan Wahab, Farheen Khan, Nagendra K. Kaushik, Javed Musarrat and Abdulaziz A.Al-Khedhairy 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 Formation of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots (ZnO-QDs) and Their Applications 24 2.3 Needle-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanism 30 2.4 Flower-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanism 37 2.5 Construction of Mixed Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth Mechanicsm 47 2.6 Summary and Future Directions 56 References 57 3 The Role of the Shape in the Design of New Nanoparticles 61 G. Mayeli Estrada-Villegas and Emilio Bucio 3.1 Introduction 62 3.2 The Importance of Shape as Nanocarries 63 3.3 Influence of Shape on Biological Process 65 3.4 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles 67 3.5 Different Shapes of Non-Polymeric Nanoparticles 71 3.6 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles: Examples 74 3.7 Another Type of Nanoparticles 76 Acknowledgments 80 References 80 4 Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as Advanced Material for Development of Enantioselective Sensing Devices 87 Mahavir Prasad Tiwari and Bhim Bali Prasad 4.1 Introduction 88 4.2 Molecularly Imprinted Chiral Polymers 90 4.3 MIP-Based Chiral Sensing Devices 91 4.4 Conclusion 105 References 105 5 Role of Microwave Sintering in the Preparation of Ferrites for High Frequency Applications 111 S. Bharadwaj and S.R. Murthy 5.1 Microwaves in General 112 5.2 Microwave-Material Interactions 114 5.3 Microwave Sintering 115 5.4 Microwave Equipment 118 5.5 Kitchen Microwave Oven Basic Principle 122 5.6 Microwave Sintering of Ferrites 126 5.7 Microwave Sintering of Garnets 137 5.8 Microwave Sintering of Nanocomposites 138 References 140 Part 2: New Materials and Methods 147 6 Mesoporous Silica: Making "Sense" of Sensors 149 Surender Duhan and Vijay K. Tomer 6.1 Introduction to Sensors 150 6.2 Fundamentals of Humidity Sensors 153 6.3 Types of Humidity Sensors 154 6.4 Humidity Sensing Materials 156 6.5 Issues with Traditional Materials in Sensing Technology 158 6.6 Introduction to Mesoporous Silica 159 6.7 M41S Materials 160 6.8 SBA Materials 162 6.9 Structure of SBA-15 164 6.10 Structure Directing Agents of SBA-15 165 6.11 Factors Affecting Structural Properties and Morphology of SBA-15 169 6.12 Modification of Mesoporous Silica 174 6.13 Characterization Techniques for Mesoporous Materials 177 6.14 Humidity Sensing of SBA-15 184 6.15 Extended Family of Mesoporous Silica 185 6.16 Other Applications of SBA-15 188 6.17 Conclusion 190 References 191 7 Towards Improving the Functionalities of Porous TiO2-Au/Ag Based Materials 193 Monica Baia, Virginia Danciu, Zsolt Pap and Lucian Baia 7.1 Porous Nanostructures Based on Tio2 and Au/Ag Nanoparticles for Environmental Applications 194 7.2 Morphological Particularities of the TiO2-based Aerogels 199 7.3 Designing the TiO2 Porous Nano-architectures for Multiple Applications 201 7.4 Evaluating the Photocatalytic Performances of the TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites for Destroying Water Chemical Pollutants 208 7.5 Testing the Effectiveness of the TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites for Sensing Water Chemical Pollutants by SERS 210 7.6 In-depth Investigations of the Most Efficient Multifunctional TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites 216 7.7 Conclusions 221 Acknowledgments 223 References 223 8 Ferroelectric Glass-Ceramics 229 Viswanathan Kumar 8.1 Introduction 230 8.2 (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3 [BST] Glass-Ceramics 232 8.3 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (B2O3: x SiO2) 234 8.4 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (BaO: Al2O3: 2SiO2) 245 8.5 Comparision of the Two BST Glass-Ceramic Systems 254 8.6 Pb(ZrxTi1-x)TiO3[PZT] Glass-Ceramics 256 References 263 9 NASICON: Synthesis, Structure and Electrical Characterization 265 Umaru Ahmadu 9.1 Introduction 265 9.2 Theretical Survey of Superionic Conduction 268 9.3 NASICON Synthesis 271 9.4 NASICON Structure and Properties 273 9.5 Characterization Techniques 278 9.6 Experimental Results 291 9.7 Problems, Applications, and Prospects 299 9.8 Conclusion 300 Acknowledgments 300 References 300 10 Ionic Liquids 309 Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho Mozumdar 10.1 Ionic Liquids: What Are They? 309 10.2 Historical Background 310 10.3 Classification of Ionic Liquids 311 10.4 Properties of Ionic Liquids, Physical and Chemical 314 10.5 Synthesis Methods of Ionic Liquids 323 10.6 Characterization of Ionic Liquids 329 10.7 Major Applications of ILs 330 10.8 ILs in Organic Transformations 331 10.9 ILs for Synthesis and Stabilization of Metal Nanoparticles 339 10.10 Challenges with Ionic Liquids 344 References 346 11 Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers 369 Jyotishmoy Borah and Niranjan Karak 11.1 Introduction 369 11.2 Synthesis of Dendritic Polymers 372 11.3 Characterization 385 11.4 Properties 391 11.5 Applications 398 11.6 Conclusion 403 References 404 Part 3: Advanced Structures and Properties 413 12 Theoretical Investigation of Superconducting State Parameters of Bulk Metallic Glasses 415 Aditya M. Vora 12.1 Introduction 415 12.2 Computational Methodology 417 12.3 Results and Discussion 421 12.4 Conclusions 434 References 434 13 Macroscopic Polarization and Thermal Conductivity of Binary Wurtzite Nitrides 439 Bijaya Kumar Sahoo 13.1 Introduction 440 13.2 The Macroscopic Polarization 441 13.3 Effective Elastic Constant, C44 442 13.4 Group Velocity of Phonons 443 13.5 Phonon Scattering Rates 444 13.6 Thermal Conductivity of InN 445 13.7 Summary 449 References 450 14 Experimental and Theoretical Background to Study Materials 453 Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho Mozumdar 14.1 Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering (Photon Correlation Spectroscopy) 453 14.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 456 14.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy [2] 457 14.4 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 459 14.5 UV-visible Spectroscopy 461 14.6 FT-IR Spectroscopy 462 14.7 NMR Spectroscopy 463 14.8 Mass Spectrometry 464 14.9 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer 465 References 466 15 Graphene and Its Nanocomposites for Gas Sensing Applications 467 Parveen Saini, Tapas Kuila, Sanjit Saha and Naresh Chandra Murmu 15.1 Introduction 468 15.2 Principles of Chemical Sensing by Conducting Nanocomposite Materials 470 15.3 Synthesis of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 472 15.4 Characterization of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 473 15.5 Chemical Sensing of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 477 15.6 Conclusion and Future Aspects 493 Acknowledgements 494 References 494 Index 501
Show morePreface xv
Part 1: Principals and Prospective 1
1 Advances in Sensors? Nanotechnology 3
Tiwari and Manorama Singh
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 What is Nanotechnology? 4
1.3 Significance of Nanotechnology 5
1.4 Synthesis of Nanostructure 5
1.5 Advancements in Sensors’ Research Based on Nanotechnology 5
1.6 Use of Nanoparticles 7
1.7 Use of Nanowires and Nanotubes 8
1.8 Use of Porous Silicon 11
1.9 Use of Self-Assembled Nanostructures 12
1.10 Receptor-Ligand Nanoarrays 12
1.11 Characterization of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials 13
1.12 Commercialization Efforts 14
1.13 Future Perspectives 14
References 15
2 Construction of Nanostructures: A Basic Concept Synthesis and
Their Applications 19
Rizwan Wahab, Farheen Khan, Nagendra
K. Kaushik, Javed Musarrat and Abdulaziz A.Al-Khedhairy
2.1 Introduction 20
2.2 Formation of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots (ZnO-QDs) and Their
Applications 24
2.3 Needle-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth
Mechanism 30
2.4 Flower-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Their Growth
Mechanism 37
2.5 Construction of Mixed Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and
Their Growth Mechanicsm 47
2.6 Summary and Future Directions 56
References 57
3 The Role of the Shape in the Design of New Nanoparticles
G. Mayeli Estrada-Villegas and Emilio Bucio
3.1 Introduction 62
3.2 The Importance of Shape as Nanocarries 63
3.3 Influence of Shape on Biological Process 65
3.4 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles 67
3.5 Different Shapes of Non-Polymeric Nanoparticles 71
3.6 Different Shapes of Polymeric Nanoparticles: Examples 74
3.7 Another Type of Nanoparticles 76
Acknowledgments 80
References 80
4 Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as Advanced Material for
Development of Enantioselective Sensing Devices 87
Prasad Tiwari and Bhim Bali Prasad
4.1 Introduction 88
4.2 Molecularly Imprinted Chiral Polymers 90
4.3 MIP-Based Chiral Sensing Devices 91
4.4 Conclusion 105
References 105
5 Role of Microwave Sintering in the Preparation of Ferrites for
High Frequency Applications 111
S. Bharadwaj and S.R.
5.1 Microwaves in General 112
5.2 Microwave-Material Interactions 114
5.3 Microwave Sintering 115
5.4 Microwave Equipment 118
5.5 Kitchen Microwave Oven Basic Principle 122
5.6 Microwave Sintering of Ferrites 126
5.7 Microwave Sintering of Garnets 137
5.8 Microwave Sintering of Nanocomposites 138
References 140
Part 2: New Materials and Methods 147
6 Mesoporous Silica: Making “Sense” of Sensors
Surender Duhan and Vijay K. Tomer
6.1 Introduction to Sensors 150
6.2 Fundamentals of Humidity Sensors 153
6.3 Types of Humidity Sensors 154
6.4 Humidity Sensing Materials 156
6.5 Issues with Traditional Materials in Sensing Technology 158
6.6 Introduction to Mesoporous Silica 159
6.7 M41S Materials 160
6.8 SBA Materials 162
6.9 Structure of SBA-15 164
6.10 Structure Directing Agents of SBA-15 165
6.11 Factors Affecting Structural Properties and Morphology of
SBA-15 169
6.12 Modification of Mesoporous Silica 174
6.13 Characterization Techniques for Mesoporous Materials 177
6.14 Humidity Sensing of SBA-15 184
6.15 Extended Family of Mesoporous Silica 185
6.16 Other Applications of SBA-15 188
6.17 Conclusion 190
References 191
7 Towards Improving the Functionalities of Porous TiO2-Au/Ag
Based Materials 193
Monica Baia, Virginia Danciu, Zsolt Pap
and Lucian Baia
7.1 Porous Nanostructures Based on Tio2 and Au/Ag Nanoparticles for
Environmental Applications 194
7.2 Morphological Particularities of the TiO2-based Aerogels
7.3 Designing the TiO2 Porous Nano-architectures for Multiple
Applications 201
7.4 Evaluating the Photocatalytic Performances of the TiO2-Au/Ag
Porous Nanocomposites for Destroying Water Chemical Pollutants
7.5 Testing the Effectiveness of the TiO2-Au/Ag Porous
Nanocomposites for Sensing Water Chemical Pollutants by SERS
7.6 In-depth Investigations of the Most Efficient Multifunctional
TiO2-Au/Ag Porous Nanocomposites 216
7.7 Conclusions 221
Acknowledgments 223
References 223
8 Ferroelectric Glass-Ceramics 229
Viswanathan Kumar
8.1 Introduction 230
8.2 (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3 [BST] Glass-Ceramics 232
8.3 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (B2O3: x SiO2) 234
8.4 Glass-Ceramic System (1-y) BST: y (BaO: Al2O3: 2SiO2) 245
8.5 Comparision of the Two BST Glass-Ceramic Systems 254
8.6 Pb(ZrxTi1-x)TiO3[PZT] Glass-Ceramics 256
References 263
9 NASICON: Synthesis, Structure and Electrical Characterization
Umaru Ahmadu
9.1 Introduction 265
9.2 Theretical Survey of Superionic Conduction 268
9.3 NASICON Synthesis 271
9.4 NASICON Structure and Properties 273
9.5 Characterization Techniques 278
9.6 Experimental Results 291
9.7 Problems, Applications, and Prospects 299
9.8 Conclusion 300
Acknowledgments 300
References 300
10 Ionic Liquids 309
Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho
10.1 Ionic Liquids: What Are They? 309
10.2 Historical Background 310
10.3 Classification of Ionic Liquids 311
10.4 Properties of Ionic Liquids, Physical and Chemical 314
10.5 Synthesis Methods of Ionic Liquids 323
10.6 Characterization of Ionic Liquids 329
10.7 Major Applications of ILs 330
10.8 ILs in Organic Transformations 331
10.9 ILs for Synthesis and Stabilization of Metal Nanoparticles
10.10 Challenges with Ionic Liquids 344
References 346
11 Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers 369
Borah and Niranjan Karak
11.1 Introduction 369
11.2 Synthesis of Dendritic Polymers 372
11.3 Characterization 385
11.4 Properties 391
11.5 Applications 398
11.6 Conclusion 403
References 404
Part 3: Advanced Structures and Properties 413
12 Theoretical Investigation of Superconducting State
Parameters of Bulk Metallic Glasses 415
Aditya M. Vora
12.1 Introduction 415
12.2 Computational Methodology 417
12.3 Results and Discussion 421
12.4 Conclusions 434
References 434
13 Macroscopic Polarization and Thermal Conductivity of Binary
Wurtzite Nitrides 439
Bijaya Kumar Sahoo
13.1 Introduction 440
13.2 The Macroscopic Polarization 441
13.3 Effective Elastic Constant, C44 442
13.4 Group Velocity of Phonons 443
13.5 Phonon Scattering Rates 444
13.6 Thermal Conductivity of InN 445
13.7 Summary 449
References 450
14 Experimental and Theoretical Background to Study Materials
Arnab De, Manika Dewan and Subho Mozumdar
14.1 Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering (Photon Correlation
Spectroscopy) 453
14.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 456
14.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy [2] 457
14.4 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 459
14.5 UV-visible Spectroscopy 461
14.6 FT-IR Spectroscopy 462
14.7 NMR Spectroscopy 463
14.8 Mass Spectrometry 464
14.9 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer 465
References 466
15 Graphene and Its Nanocomposites for Gas Sensing Applications
Parveen Saini, Tapas Kuila, Sanjit Saha and Naresh
Chandra Murmu
15.1 Introduction 468
15.2 Principles of Chemical Sensing by Conducting Nanocomposite
Materials 470
15.3 Synthesis of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 472
15.4 Characterization of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 473
15.5 Chemical Sensing of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites 477
15.6 Conclusion and Future Aspects 493
Acknowledgements 494
References 494
Index 501
Ashutosh Tiwari is an Associate Professor at theBiosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, Linkoping University,Sweden; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters andAdvanced Materials Reviews; Secretary General, InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials; a materials chemist and also adocent in applied physics at Linkoping University, Sweden. Hehas published more than 350 articles, patents, and conferenceproceedings in the field of materials science and technology andhas edited/authored about twenty books on the advancedstate-of-the-art of materials science. He is a founding member ofthe Advanced Materials World Congress and the Indian MaterialsCongress. Mustafa M. Demir received his PhD degree fromSabanc University, Turkey, in 2004. From 2004 to 2007 he wasa postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute of PolymerResearch, Mainz, Germany. He then moved to Izmir Institute ofTechnology, Turkey, where he is now Chairman of the Department ofMaterials Science and Engineering.
"I do, however, think that the book will enable readers to enter
into debates about God in a fully rational way, and with an
awareness of the complexities of theistic arguments. It is one for
students of the philosophy of religion to study, and they will do
so with profit." (Church Times, 20 May 2011) "As a philosophy
instructor (who frequently teaches philosophy of religion), I find
Shook's book to be comprehensive in its coverage. The theological
arguments, as well as the atheological responses to them, are
presented in accessible terms, and analyzed perspicuously."
("Metapsychology", February 2011) "In this talk, The Center for
Inquiry's John Shook, author of The God Debates, will discuss
effective ways for nonbelievers to engage believers over that very
question: "Does a god exist?" Maybe it's not the old, familiar
arguments themselves, but new strategies and tactics that make the
atheist message get heard and produce results."" (Science in the
City, " February 2011)""The God Debates" is a clear, accessible,
up-to-date account of philosophical wrangles about the existence of
God. Shook re-organises the arguments in an interesting way ...
[and] takes on more esoteric arguments such as the claim that we
must presuppose the existence of God if we are to engage in
reasoning and scientific inquiry. In all, this is a lucid, concise,
up-to-date, yet comprehensive account of intellectual debates about
the existence of God. It is easy enough to be used by senior high
school students, and could certainly be useful in undergraduate
courses in philosophy of religion." ("Metamagician and the Hellfire
Club", October 2010)
"As a philosophy instructor (who frequently teaches philosophy of
religion), I find Shook's book to be comprehensive in its coverage.
The theological arguments, as well as the atheological responses to
them, are presented in accessible terms, and analyzed
perspicuously." ("Metapsychology," February 2011) "In this talk,
The Center for Inquiry's John Shook, author of The God Debates,
will discuss effective ways for nonbelievers to engage believers
over that very question: "Does a god exist?" Maybe it's not the
old, familiar arguments themselves, but new strategies and tactics
that make the atheist message get heard and produce results.""
(Science in the City, " February 2011)""The God Debates" is a
clear, accessible, up-to-date account of philosophical wrangles
about the existence of God. Shook re-organises the arguments in an
interesting way ... [and] takes on more esoteric arguments such as
the claim that we must presuppose the existence of God if we are to
engage in reasoning an
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