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Algorithm Theory - Swat ­2002
8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Turku, Finland, July 3-5, 2002 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
By Martti Penttonen (Edited by), Erik Meineche Schmidt (Edited by)

Paperback, 452 pages
Germany, 1 June 2002

MartinDietzfelbinger,TechnischeUniversit¿atIlmenau PinarHeggernes,UniversityofBergen GiuseppeF. Italiano,UniversityofRome HaimKaplan,TelAvivUniversity RolfKarlsson,UniversityofLund JyrkiKatajainen,UniversityofCopenhagen OlliNevalainen,UniversityofTurku JopSibeyn,UniversityofUme? a MichielSmid,CarletonUniversity Referees IstoAho RolfFagerberg ChristosLevcopoulos TeroAittokallio JiriFiala MosheLewenstein LyudmilAleksandrov JarlFriis AndrzejLingas StephenAlstrup LeszekG¿asieniec Eva-MartaLundell MattiasAndersson JordanGergov BengtNilsson EstieArkin HectorGonzalez-Banos JyrkiNummenmaa LasseBergroth HenrikGrove JeppeNejsumMadsen AnneBerry JoachimGudmundsson FredrikManne PhilipBille IngeLiGørtz UlrichMeyer HolgerBlaar MikaelHammar PeterBroMiltersen JeanBlair IiroHonkala MichaelMinock JormaBoberg HeikkiHyyr¿o PatMorin JesperBojesen ChristianIcking ErkkiM¿akinen GerthS. Brodal TiborJordan RasmusPagh WentongCai DavidGroveJørgensen TomiPasanen JianerChen JarkkoKari ChristianN. S. Pedersen ArturCzumaj MichaelKaufmann MortenNicolajPedersen CamilDemetrescu TimoKnuutila MiaPersson AndersDessmark PetterKristiansen ElyPorat FrankDrewes ElmarLangetepe AndrzejProskurowski X Organization YuvalRabani MikkelSigurd JanArneTelle PrabhakarRagde SteveSkiena JukkaTeuhola JagathRajapakse SørenSkov J. Urrutia TheisRauhe ChristianSloper PawelWinter FrederikRønn RobertoSolis-Oba LarsYde PeterSanders Hans-HenrikStærfeldt MartinZachariasen PetraSche?er KokichiSugihara RodedSharan ArieTamir TableofContents InvitedSpeakers AnE?cientQuasidictionary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Torben Hagerup, Rajeev Raman CombiningPatternDiscoveryandProbabilisticModelinginData Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Heikki Mannila Scheduling TimeandSpaceE?cientMulti-methodDispatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Stephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Inge Li

Invited Speakers.- An Efficient Quasidictionary.- Combining Pattern Discovery and Probabilistic Modeling in Data Mining.- Scheduling.- Time and Space Efficient Multi-method Dispatching.- Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Vehicle Scheduling.- Minimizing Makespan for the Lazy Bureaucrat Problem.- A PTAS for the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Controllable Processing Times.- Computational Geometry.- Optimum Inapproximability Results for Finding Minimum Hidden Guard Sets in Polygons and Terrains.- Simplex Range Searching and k Nearest Neighbors of a Line Segment in 2D.- Adaptive Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls and Triangulations of Polygonal Chains.- Exact Algorithms and Approximation Schemes for Base Station Placement Problems.- A Factor-2 Approximation for Labeling Points with Maximum Sliding Labels.- Optimal Algorithm for a Special Point-Labeling Problem.- Random Arc Allocation and Applications.- On Neighbors in Geometric Permutations.- Graph Algorithms.- Powers of Geometric Intersection Graphs and Dispersion Algorithms.- Efficient Data Reduction for Dominating Set: A Linear Problem Kernel for the Planar Case.- Planar Graph Coloring with Forbidden Subgraphs: Why Trees and Paths Are Dangerous.- Approximation Hardness of the Steiner Tree Problem on Graphs.- The Dominating Set Problem Is Fixed Parameter Tractable for Graphs of Bounded Genus.- The Dynamic Vertex Minimum Problem and Its Application to Clustering-Type Approximation Algorithms.- A Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find the Minimum Cycle Basis of a Regular Matroid.- Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Dilation k-Center Problems.- Forewarned Is Fore-Armed: Dynamic Digraph Connectivity with Lookahead Speeds Up a Static Clustering Algorithm.- Improved Algorithms for the Random Cluster Graph Model.- ?-List Vertex Coloring in Linear Time.- Robotics.- Robot Localization without Depth Perception.- Online Parallel Heuristics and Robot Searching under the Competitive Framework.- Analysis of Heuristics for the Freeze-Tag Problem.- Approximation Algorithms.- Approximations for Maximum Transportation Problem with Permutable Supply Vector and Other Capacitated Star Packing Problems.- All-Norm Approximation Algorithms.- Approximability of Dense Instances of Nearest Codeword Problem.- Data Communication.- Call Control with k Rejections.- On Network Design Problems: Fixed Cost Flows and the Covering Steiner Problem.- Packet Bundling.- Algorithms for the Multi-constrained Routing Problem.- Computational Biology.- Computing the Threshold for q-Gram Filters.- On the Generality of Phylogenies from Incomplete Directed Characters.- Data Storage and Manipulation.- Sorting with a Forklift.- Tree Decompositions with Small Cost.- Computing the Treewidth and the Minimum Fill-in with the Modular Decomposition.- Performance Tuning an Algorithm for Compressing Relational Tables.- A Randomized In-Place Algorithm for Positioning the kth Element in a Multiset.- Paging on a RAM with Limited Resources.- An Optimal Algorithm for Finding NCA on Pure Pointer Machines.- Amortized Complexity of Bulk Updates in AVL-Trees.

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MartinDietzfelbinger,TechnischeUniversit¿atIlmenau PinarHeggernes,UniversityofBergen GiuseppeF. Italiano,UniversityofRome HaimKaplan,TelAvivUniversity RolfKarlsson,UniversityofLund JyrkiKatajainen,UniversityofCopenhagen OlliNevalainen,UniversityofTurku JopSibeyn,UniversityofUme? a MichielSmid,CarletonUniversity Referees IstoAho RolfFagerberg ChristosLevcopoulos TeroAittokallio JiriFiala MosheLewenstein LyudmilAleksandrov JarlFriis AndrzejLingas StephenAlstrup LeszekG¿asieniec Eva-MartaLundell MattiasAndersson JordanGergov BengtNilsson EstieArkin HectorGonzalez-Banos JyrkiNummenmaa LasseBergroth HenrikGrove JeppeNejsumMadsen AnneBerry JoachimGudmundsson FredrikManne PhilipBille IngeLiGørtz UlrichMeyer HolgerBlaar MikaelHammar PeterBroMiltersen JeanBlair IiroHonkala MichaelMinock JormaBoberg HeikkiHyyr¿o PatMorin JesperBojesen ChristianIcking ErkkiM¿akinen GerthS. Brodal TiborJordan RasmusPagh WentongCai DavidGroveJørgensen TomiPasanen JianerChen JarkkoKari ChristianN. S. Pedersen ArturCzumaj MichaelKaufmann MortenNicolajPedersen CamilDemetrescu TimoKnuutila MiaPersson AndersDessmark PetterKristiansen ElyPorat FrankDrewes ElmarLangetepe AndrzejProskurowski X Organization YuvalRabani MikkelSigurd JanArneTelle PrabhakarRagde SteveSkiena JukkaTeuhola JagathRajapakse SørenSkov J. Urrutia TheisRauhe ChristianSloper PawelWinter FrederikRønn RobertoSolis-Oba LarsYde PeterSanders Hans-HenrikStærfeldt MartinZachariasen PetraSche?er KokichiSugihara RodedSharan ArieTamir TableofContents InvitedSpeakers AnE?cientQuasidictionary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Torben Hagerup, Rajeev Raman CombiningPatternDiscoveryandProbabilisticModelinginData Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Heikki Mannila Scheduling TimeandSpaceE?cientMulti-methodDispatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Stephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Inge Li

Invited Speakers.- An Efficient Quasidictionary.- Combining Pattern Discovery and Probabilistic Modeling in Data Mining.- Scheduling.- Time and Space Efficient Multi-method Dispatching.- Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Vehicle Scheduling.- Minimizing Makespan for the Lazy Bureaucrat Problem.- A PTAS for the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Controllable Processing Times.- Computational Geometry.- Optimum Inapproximability Results for Finding Minimum Hidden Guard Sets in Polygons and Terrains.- Simplex Range Searching and k Nearest Neighbors of a Line Segment in 2D.- Adaptive Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls and Triangulations of Polygonal Chains.- Exact Algorithms and Approximation Schemes for Base Station Placement Problems.- A Factor-2 Approximation for Labeling Points with Maximum Sliding Labels.- Optimal Algorithm for a Special Point-Labeling Problem.- Random Arc Allocation and Applications.- On Neighbors in Geometric Permutations.- Graph Algorithms.- Powers of Geometric Intersection Graphs and Dispersion Algorithms.- Efficient Data Reduction for Dominating Set: A Linear Problem Kernel for the Planar Case.- Planar Graph Coloring with Forbidden Subgraphs: Why Trees and Paths Are Dangerous.- Approximation Hardness of the Steiner Tree Problem on Graphs.- The Dominating Set Problem Is Fixed Parameter Tractable for Graphs of Bounded Genus.- The Dynamic Vertex Minimum Problem and Its Application to Clustering-Type Approximation Algorithms.- A Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find the Minimum Cycle Basis of a Regular Matroid.- Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Dilation k-Center Problems.- Forewarned Is Fore-Armed: Dynamic Digraph Connectivity with Lookahead Speeds Up a Static Clustering Algorithm.- Improved Algorithms for the Random Cluster Graph Model.- ?-List Vertex Coloring in Linear Time.- Robotics.- Robot Localization without Depth Perception.- Online Parallel Heuristics and Robot Searching under the Competitive Framework.- Analysis of Heuristics for the Freeze-Tag Problem.- Approximation Algorithms.- Approximations for Maximum Transportation Problem with Permutable Supply Vector and Other Capacitated Star Packing Problems.- All-Norm Approximation Algorithms.- Approximability of Dense Instances of Nearest Codeword Problem.- Data Communication.- Call Control with k Rejections.- On Network Design Problems: Fixed Cost Flows and the Covering Steiner Problem.- Packet Bundling.- Algorithms for the Multi-constrained Routing Problem.- Computational Biology.- Computing the Threshold for q-Gram Filters.- On the Generality of Phylogenies from Incomplete Directed Characters.- Data Storage and Manipulation.- Sorting with a Forklift.- Tree Decompositions with Small Cost.- Computing the Treewidth and the Minimum Fill-in with the Modular Decomposition.- Performance Tuning an Algorithm for Compressing Relational Tables.- A Randomized In-Place Algorithm for Positioning the kth Element in a Multiset.- Paging on a RAM with Limited Resources.- An Optimal Algorithm for Finding NCA on Pure Pointer Machines.- Amortized Complexity of Bulk Updates in AVL-Trees.

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23.4 x 15.6 x 2.4 centimetres (0.65 kg)

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Table of Contents

Invited Speakers.- An Efficient Quasidictionary.- Combining Pattern Discovery and Probabilistic Modeling in Data Mining.- Scheduling.- Time and Space Efficient Multi-method Dispatching.- Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Vehicle Scheduling.- Minimizing Makespan for the Lazy Bureaucrat Problem.- A PTAS for the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Controllable Processing Times.- Computational Geometry.- Optimum Inapproximability Results for Finding Minimum Hidden Guard Sets in Polygons and Terrains.- Simplex Range Searching and k Nearest Neighbors of a Line Segment in 2D.- Adaptive Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls and Triangulations of Polygonal Chains.- Exact Algorithms and Approximation Schemes for Base Station Placement Problems.- A Factor-2 Approximation for Labeling Points with Maximum Sliding Labels.- Optimal Algorithm for a Special Point-Labeling Problem.- Random Arc Allocation and Applications.- On Neighbors in Geometric Permutations.- Graph Algorithms.- Powers of Geometric Intersection Graphs and Dispersion Algorithms.- Efficient Data Reduction for Dominating Set: A Linear Problem Kernel for the Planar Case.- Planar Graph Coloring with Forbidden Subgraphs: Why Trees and Paths Are Dangerous.- Approximation Hardness of the Steiner Tree Problem on Graphs.- The Dominating Set Problem Is Fixed Parameter Tractable for Graphs of Bounded Genus.- The Dynamic Vertex Minimum Problem and Its Application to Clustering-Type Approximation Algorithms.- A Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find the Minimum Cycle Basis of a Regular Matroid.- Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Dilation k-Center Problems.- Forewarned Is Fore-Armed: Dynamic Digraph Connectivity with Lookahead Speeds Up a Static Clustering Algorithm.- Improved Algorithms for the Random Cluster Graph Model.-?-List Vertex Coloring in Linear Time.- Robotics.- Robot Localization without Depth Perception.- Online Parallel Heuristics and Robot Searching under the Competitive Framework.- Analysis of Heuristics for the Freeze-Tag Problem.- Approximation Algorithms.- Approximations for Maximum Transportation Problem with Permutable Supply Vector and Other Capacitated Star Packing Problems.- All-Norm Approximation Algorithms.- Approximability of Dense Instances of Nearest Codeword Problem.- Data Communication.- Call Control with k Rejections.- On Network Design Problems: Fixed Cost Flows and the Covering Steiner Problem.- Packet Bundling.- Algorithms for the Multi-constrained Routing Problem.- Computational Biology.- Computing the Threshold for q-Gram Filters.- On the Generality of Phylogenies from Incomplete Directed Characters.- Data Storage and Manipulation.- Sorting with a Forklift.- Tree Decompositions with Small Cost.- Computing the Treewidth and the Minimum Fill-in with the Modular Decomposition.- Performance Tuning an Algorithm for Compressing Relational Tables.- A Randomized In-Place Algorithm for Positioning the kth Element in a Multiset.- Paging on a RAM with Limited Resources.- An Optimal Algorithm for Finding NCA on Pure Pointer Machines.- Amortized Complexity of Bulk Updates in AVL-Trees.

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