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Biographical Dictionary of ­Social and Cultural ­Anthropology
By Vered Amit (Edited by)

Paperback, 618 pages
United Kingdom, 26 August 2008

Spanning the period from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries, The Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology contains almost six hundred individually-signed entries from a global team of contributors and offers an important, and fascinating overview of the historical and contemporary reach of anthropological research.

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Product Description

Spanning the period from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries, The Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology contains almost six hundred individually-signed entries from a global team of contributors and offers an important, and fascinating overview of the historical and contemporary reach of anthropological research.

Product Details
24.4 x 17.3 x 3.8 centimetres (0.65 kg)

Table of Contents

Abu-Lughod, Lila; Appadurai, Arjun; Archetti, Eduardo; Ardener, Edwin; Ardener, Shirley; Arensberg, Conrad M.; Arizpe, Lourdes; Arutyonov, Sergiej; Babcock, Barbara; Balandier, G.; Barbeau, Marius; Barley, Nigel; Baroja, Julio Caro; Bartolomé, Leopoldo; Basso, Keith; Bastide, Roger; Bateson, Gregory; Bauman, Gerd; Bauman, Richard; Beattie, John; Beckett, Jeremy; Beidelman, Thomas; Beltrán, Gonzalo Aguirre; Benedict, Ruth; Berlin, Brent; Berndt, Catherine Helen; Berndt, Ronald Murray; Bestard-Camps, Joan; Bibeau, Gilles; Blacking, John; Bloch, Maurice; Blok, Anton; Boas, Franz; Bogoraz-Tan, Valdimir; Boissevain, Jeremy; Bonfil Batalla, Guillermo; Borneman, John; Bright, William; Bromley, Yurij; Bruner, Edward; Bunzel, Ruth; Butovskaya, Marina; Carrier, James; Carrithers, Michael; Catedra, Maria; Chagnon, Napoleon; Clarke, Margaret; Clifford, James; Cohen, Anthony P.; Cohn, Bernard; Colson, Elizabeth; Conklin, Harold; Coppet, Daniel de; Corin, Ellen E.; Cushing, Frank; Czaplicka, Maria; DaMatta, Robert; Darnell, Regna; Das, Veena; De Laguna, Frederica; Densmore, Frances; Descola, Philippe; Dominguez, Virginia; Donnan, Hastings; Douglas, Mary; Dozier, Edward; Driessen, Henk; Du Bois, Cora; Duerr, Hans-Peter; Dumont, Louis; Dwyer, Kevin; Dyck, Noel; Eggan, Fred; Elkin, A.P.; Elwert, Georg; Epstein, A.L.; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland; Esterik, Penny van; Evans-Pritchard, Evans; Fabian, Johannes; Feit, Harvey; Ferguson, James; Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock; Firth, Raymond; Fishman, Joshua A.; Foner, Nancy; Fortes, Meyer; Foster, George; Frazer, James G.; Friedl, Ernestine; Frobenius, Leo; Frykman, Jonas; Fukui, Katsuyoshi; Gamio, Manuel; Geertz, Clifford; Gefou-Madianou, Dimitra; Gell, Alfred; Gellner, Ernest; Gennep, Arnold van; Geschiere, Peter; Gingrich, Andre; Ginsburg, Faye; Gledhill, John; Gluckman, Max; Godelier, Maurice; Good, Byron J.; Goodale, Jane; Griaule, Marcel; Gullestad, Marianne; Gulliver, Philip H.; Gupta, Akhil; Gurevich, Aron; Hallowell, A. Irving: Hammond-Tooke, David; Handelman, Don; Handler, Richard; Hann, Chris; Hannerz, Ulf; Harries-Jones, Peter; Helm, June; Hermitte, Esther; Herskovitz, Melville J.; Herzfeld, Michael; Heusch, Luc de; Hewitt, J.N.B.; Hill, Jane; Hoebel, E.A.; Holy, Ladislav; Howell, Signe; Hymes, Dell; Imanishi, Kinji; Ingold, Tim; Irimoto, Takashi; Izumi, Seiichi; Jakobson, Roman; James, Allison; James, Wendy; Jenness, Diamond; Jensen, Adolf E.; Kaberry, Phyllis; Kapferer, Bruce; Karp, Ivan; Keesing, Roger; Khazanov, Anatoly Michailovich; Kindaichi, Kyosuke; Klein, Alan M.; Kluckhohn, Clyde; Kon, Igor Semenovich; Kopytoff, Igor; Kramer, Fritz W.; Kroeber, Alfred; Kryukov, Mikhail; Kuper, Adam; Lamphere, Louise; Layton, Robert; Leach, Edmund R.; Lee, Richard B.; Leiris, Michel; Leslie, Charles; Levi-Strauss, Claude; Lewis, Oscar; Lindenbaum, Shirley; Linton, Ralph; Little, Kenneth; Llobera, Joseph; Lock, Margaret; Löfgren, Ovar; Lomnitz, Larissa; Lotman, Jurij; Lounsbury, Floyd; Lowie, R.H.; Luhrmann, Tanya M.; Lurie, Nancy O.; MacAloon, John; Mach, Zdzislaw; Maine, Henry; Malinowski, Bronislaw; Martin, Emily Ahearn; Marx, Emmanuel; Mayer, Adrian; Mead, Margaret; Medicine, Bea; Meillassoux, Claude; Meletinskiy, Eleasar; Merlan, Francesca; Miller, Daniel; Mintz, Sydney; Miyaoka, Osahito; Mooney, James; Moore, Henrietta; Morgan, Louis Henry; Morphy, Howard; Mühlmann, Wilhelm; Myers, Fred; Nakane, Chie; Narayan, Kirin; Obayashi, Taryo; Obrebski, Jozef; Ohtsuka, Ryutaro; Oka, Masao; Okely, Judith; Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso de; Oliver, Douglas; Olwig, Karen Fog; Opitz, Michael; Opler, Morris; Palerm, Angel; Palmeira, Moacir; Parry, Jonathan; Parsons, Elsie Clews; Peacock, James L.; Pels, Peter; Peña, Guillermo de la; Powdermaker, Hortense; Powell, John Wesley; Rabinow, Paul; Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.; Radin, Paul; Rappaport, Roy; Rapport, Nigel; Redfield, Robert; Ribeiro, Darcy; Rodman, Margaret; Rottenburg, Richard; Sahlins, Marshall; Salisbury, Richard F.; Sansom, Basil; Sapir, Edward; Scheper-Hughes, Nancy

About the Author

Vered Amit is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University, Canada

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