Livre bilingue francais-anglais pour enfants de 3 a 6 ans.
Ce livre fait partie de la serie Twinkle Farm, creee pour enchanter les enfants de 3 a 6 ans.
Commencez par lire le livre en francais, et quand votre enfant connaitra l'histoire par coeur, passer a l'anglais. Elle finira par reconnaitre les mots cles tres vite. Un imagier de 32 mots a la fin du livre permet de s'assurer que votre enfant apprendra au moins 32 mots par livre.
Ecrit et illustre par une maman francaise qui vit en Nouvelle Zelande.
Bubble et les Pierres Enchantees.
Un livre sur le lien indestructible entre nous et nos disparus.
C'est le jour la fete des meres a Twinkle Farm. Bubble et ses amis ont fabrique des cadeaux pour leurs mamans. La petite Charlie Chick a cree un magnifique collier de perles et de pierres precieuses. Seulement Charlie n'a pas pu donner son cadeau a sa mere, car depuis son accident tragique l'annee derniere, la mere de Charlie vit dans le ciel. Heureusement, Autumn Owl apparait et apporte le collier a la mere de Charlie. C'est alors que l'on apprend que le collier a un pouvoir magique.
Imagier bilingue a la fin de chaque livre: 32 mots a apprendre.
Bilingual book English/french for children from 3 to 6 years old.
This book is part of Twinkle Farm, a series created to delight preschool kids. Start by reading the book in English, when your kid knows the story by heart, switch to French. She'll quickly recognize the important words. The picture dictionary at the end will ensure that your kid will learn at least 32 words per book. Written and illustrated by a French mum living in New Zealand.
Bubble and the Enchanted Stones.
A book about the unbreakable connection between us and our departed loved ones.
It was Mother's Day at Twinkle Farm. Bubble and his friends made lovely presents for their mummies. Little Charlie Chick created the most beautiful bead necklace they had ever seen. Only Charlie Chick couldn't give her present to her mummy. You see my friend, since a tragic accident last year, Charlie's mummy lives in the sky. Not to worry, Autumn Owl came to the rescue and flew the beautiful necklace to Charlie's mummy.
Picture dictionary at the end of the book: 32 words to learn.
Show moreLivre bilingue francais-anglais pour enfants de 3 a 6 ans.
Ce livre fait partie de la serie Twinkle Farm, creee pour enchanter les enfants de 3 a 6 ans.
Commencez par lire le livre en francais, et quand votre enfant connaitra l'histoire par coeur, passer a l'anglais. Elle finira par reconnaitre les mots cles tres vite. Un imagier de 32 mots a la fin du livre permet de s'assurer que votre enfant apprendra au moins 32 mots par livre.
Ecrit et illustre par une maman francaise qui vit en Nouvelle Zelande.
Bubble et les Pierres Enchantees.
Un livre sur le lien indestructible entre nous et nos disparus.
C'est le jour la fete des meres a Twinkle Farm. Bubble et ses amis ont fabrique des cadeaux pour leurs mamans. La petite Charlie Chick a cree un magnifique collier de perles et de pierres precieuses. Seulement Charlie n'a pas pu donner son cadeau a sa mere, car depuis son accident tragique l'annee derniere, la mere de Charlie vit dans le ciel. Heureusement, Autumn Owl apparait et apporte le collier a la mere de Charlie. C'est alors que l'on apprend que le collier a un pouvoir magique.
Imagier bilingue a la fin de chaque livre: 32 mots a apprendre.
Bilingual book English/french for children from 3 to 6 years old.
This book is part of Twinkle Farm, a series created to delight preschool kids. Start by reading the book in English, when your kid knows the story by heart, switch to French. She'll quickly recognize the important words. The picture dictionary at the end will ensure that your kid will learn at least 32 words per book. Written and illustrated by a French mum living in New Zealand.
Bubble and the Enchanted Stones.
A book about the unbreakable connection between us and our departed loved ones.
It was Mother's Day at Twinkle Farm. Bubble and his friends made lovely presents for their mummies. Little Charlie Chick created the most beautiful bead necklace they had ever seen. Only Charlie Chick couldn't give her present to her mummy. You see my friend, since a tragic accident last year, Charlie's mummy lives in the sky. Not to worry, Autumn Owl came to the rescue and flew the beautiful necklace to Charlie's mummy.
Picture dictionary at the end of the book: 32 words to learn.
Show moreAnne Schneeberger is the author and illustrator of Twinkle Farm, a series of picture books for children ages 2 to 6 years old. The main character, a cat named Bubble teaches children general life lessons and practical skills through his stories about his friends at Twinkle Farm.Anne Lives in New Zealand with her beloved son and three cats. Anne Schneeberger is the author and illustrator of Twinkle Farm, a series of picture books for children ages 2 to 6 years old. The main character, a cat named Bubble teaches children general life lessons and practical skills through his stories about his friends at Twinkle Farm.Anne Lives in New Zealand with her beloved son and three cats.
"My daughter loves to read these beautiful Bubble stories. The pictures are colorful and sweet, the themes are unique and special. I love the wise lesson and kind message she learns at the end of each story." Karen Mackenzie. "Keane absolutely loves the Bubble books. I like the morales at the end, we get to talk about issues in a light way." Mamta Nerurkar
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