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The Digital Turn in ­Architecture 1992 - 2012
AD Reader
By Mario Carpo (Edited by)

Hardback, 264 pages
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Paperback : $92.23

United States, 19 October 2012

Now almost 20 years old, the digital turn in architecture has already gone through several stages and phases. Architectural Design (AD) has captured them all ? from folding to cyberspace, nonlinearity and hypersurfaces, from versioning to scripting, emergence, information modelling and parametricism. It has recorded and interpreted the spirit of the times with vivid documentary precision, fostering and often anticipating crucial architectural and theoretical developments. This anthology of AD?s most salient articles is chronologically and thematically arranged to provide a complete historical timeline of the recent rise to pre-eminence of computer-based design and production. Mario Carpo provides an astute overview of the recent history of digital design in his comprehensive introductory essay and in his leaders to each original text. A much needed pedagogical and research tool for students and scholars, this synopsis also relates the present state of digitality in architecture to the history and theory of its recent development and trends, and raises issues of crucial importance for the contemporary practice of the design professions. A comprehensive anthology on digital architecture edited by one of its most eminent scholars in this field, Mario Carpo. Includes seminal texts by Bernard Cache, Peter Eisenman, John Frazer, Charles Jencks, Greg Lynn, Achim Menges and Patrik Schumacher. Features key works by FOA, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ali Rahim, Lars Spuybroek/NOX, Kas Oosterhuis and SHoP.

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Product Description

Now almost 20 years old, the digital turn in architecture has already gone through several stages and phases. Architectural Design (AD) has captured them all ? from folding to cyberspace, nonlinearity and hypersurfaces, from versioning to scripting, emergence, information modelling and parametricism. It has recorded and interpreted the spirit of the times with vivid documentary precision, fostering and often anticipating crucial architectural and theoretical developments. This anthology of AD?s most salient articles is chronologically and thematically arranged to provide a complete historical timeline of the recent rise to pre-eminence of computer-based design and production. Mario Carpo provides an astute overview of the recent history of digital design in his comprehensive introductory essay and in his leaders to each original text. A much needed pedagogical and research tool for students and scholars, this synopsis also relates the present state of digitality in architecture to the history and theory of its recent development and trends, and raises issues of crucial importance for the contemporary practice of the design professions. A comprehensive anthology on digital architecture edited by one of its most eminent scholars in this field, Mario Carpo. Includes seminal texts by Bernard Cache, Peter Eisenman, John Frazer, Charles Jencks, Greg Lynn, Achim Menges and Patrik Schumacher. Features key works by FOA, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ali Rahim, Lars Spuybroek/NOX, Kas Oosterhuis and SHoP.

Product Details
24.6 x 17 x 2.3 centimetres (0.87 kg)

Table of Contents

Introduction 8

Twenty Years of Digital Design

Architecture After the Age of Printing (1992) 15

Visions Unfolding: Architecture in the Age of Electronic Media AD September–October 1992
Peter Eisenman

The Affects of Singularity AD November–December 1992
Peter Eisenman

Folding in Architecture (1993) 28

Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant and the Supple AD March–April 1993
Greg Lynn

Shoei Yoh, Prefectura Gymnasium AD March–April 1993
Greg Lynn

The Architectural Relevance of Cyberspace (1995) 48

The Architectural Relevance of Cyberspace AD November–December 1995
John Frazer

Architectural Experiments AD November–December 1995
John Frazer

The Digital and the Global (1996) 57

Yokohama International Port Terminal AD July–August 1996

Foreign Office Architects

Field Conditions (1997) 62

From Object to Field AD May–June 1997
Stan Allen 

Nonlinear Architecture (1997) 80

Nonlinear Architecture. New Science = New Architecture? AD September–October 1997
Charles Jencks

Landform Architecture. Emergent in the Nineties AD September–October 1997
Charles Jencks

Hypersurfaces (1998) 108

Motor Geometry AD May–June 1998
Lars Spuybroek

Salt Water Live, Behaviour of the Salt Water Pavilion AD May–June 1998
Kas Oosterhuis

Embryologic Houses© (2000) 124

Embryologic Houses© AD May–June 2000
Greg Lynn

Versioning (2002) 131

Introduction to Versioning. Evolutionary Techniques in Architecture AD September–October 2002

SHoP/Sharples Holden Pasquarelli

Eroding the Barriers AD September–October 2002

SHoP/Sharples Holden Pasquarelli

Topological Architecture (1998-2003) 146

Bernard Cache/Objectile, Topological Architecture and the Ambiguous Sign AD May–June 1998
Stephen Perrella

Philibert De L’Orme Pavilion: Towards an Associative Architecture AD March–April 2003
Bernard Cache

Morphogenesis and the Mathematics of Emergence (2004-2006) 158

Introduction to Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies AD May–June 2004
Michael Hensel, Achim Menges and Michael Weinstock

Polymorphism AD March–April 2006
Achim Menges

Scripting (2006) 182

20 Years of Scripted Space AD July–August 2006
Malcolm McCullough

Collective Intelligence (2006) 188

Introduction to Collective Intelligence in Design AD September–October 2006
Christopher Hight and Chris Perry

Computational Intelligence: The Grid as a Post-Human Network AD September–October 2006
Philippe Morel

Elegance (2007) 208

The Economies of Elegance. Migrating Coastlines: Residential Tower, Dubai AD January–February 2007
Ali Rahim and Hina Jamelle

Deus ex Machina: From Semiology to the Elegance of Aesthetics AD January–February 2007
Mark Foster Gage

Building Information Modelling (2009) 226

Optimisation Stories: The Impact of Building Information

Modelling on Contemporary Design Practice AD March–April 2009
Richard Garber

A New Global Style (2009) 240

Parametricism: A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design AD July–August 2009
Patrik Schumacher


About the Author

Mario Carpo teaches architectural history and theory at theSchool of Architecture of Paris-La Villette, at the GeorgiaInstitute of Technology and at the Yale School of Architecture. Hisresearch and publications focus on the relationship betweenarchitectural theory, cultural history and the history ofinformation technology. Among his publications are theaward-winning Architecture in the Age of Printing (2001),monographs on Sebastiano Serlio and Leon Battista Alberti, and The Alphabet and the Algorithm (2011), a history andcritique of digital design theory. Carpo s writings are alsopublished internationally in journals and architectural magazines.

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