William O. Reece, DVM, PhD, is University Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Howard Erickson, DVM, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Physiology in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. Jesse P. Goff, DVM, PhD, is Professor and Anderson Chair in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, Iowa, USA. Etsuro E. Uemura, DVM, MS, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
List of contributors, vii Preface, ix Acknowledgments, x Tributes, xi About the companion website, xii Section I: Neurophysiology (Section Editor: Etsuro E. Uemura) 1 Nervous Tissue, 3 Etsuro E. Uemura 2 Electrochemical Basis of Neuronal Function, 13 Etsuro E. Uemura 3 Synaptic Transmission, 23 Etsuro E. Uemura 4 Somatic and Visceral Senses, 32 Etsuro E. Uemura 5 Olfaction and Gustation, 43 Etsuro E. Uemura 6 Auditory System, 49 Etsuro E. Uemura 7 Visual System, 57 Etsuro E. Uemura 8 Motor System, 68 Etsuro E. Uemura 9 Vestibular System, 79 Etsuro E. Uemura 10 Autonomic Nervous System, 89 Etsuro E. Uemura Section II: Body Fluids and Homeostasis (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 11 Body Water: Properties and Functions, 103 William O. Reece 12 The Composition and Functions of Blood, 114 William O. Reece 13 Fundamentals of Acid-Base Balance, 137 William O. Reece 14 Body Temperature and Its Regulation, 149 William O. Reece Section III: The Kidneys and Urinary System (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 15 The Renal System: Structures and Function, 157 William O. Reece 16 Glomerular Filtration and Tubular Transport, 166 William O. Reece 17 Maintenance of Extracellular Fluid Hydration, 173 William O. Reece 18 Kidney Regulation of Extracellular Volume and Electrolytes, 180 William O. Reece 19 Micturition, Characteristics of Urine, and Renal Clearance, 188 William O. Reece 20 Kidney Function in Birds, 193 William O. Reece Section IV: Respiration (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 21 Overview of the Respiratory System, 203 William O. Reece 22 Physical and Mechanical Aspects of Respiration, 213 William O. Reece 23 Pulmonary Ventilation and Transport of Gases, 222 William O. Reece 24 Regulation of Respiration, 232 William O. Reece 25 Other Functions of the Respiratory System, 239 William O. Reece 26 Respiration in Birds, 245 John W. Ludders Section V: Muscle Physiology (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 27 Physiology of Skeletal Muscle, 263 William O. Reece 28 Physiology of Smooth Muscle, 274 William O. Reece 29 Physiology of Cardiac Muscle, Muscle Adaptations, and Muscle Disorders, 279 William O. Reece Section VI: The Cardiovascular System (Section Editor: Howard H. Erickson) 30 The Heart and Vasculature: Gross Structure and Basic Properties, 287 Dean H. Riedesel and Richard L. Engen 31 Electrophysiology of the Heart, 304 Robert F. Gilmour, Jr 32 The Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Arrhythmias, 315 Robert F. Gilmour, Jr and N. Sydney Moïse 33 Mechanical Activity of the Heart, 327 Dean H. Riedesel 34 Regulation of the Heart, 341 David D. Kline, Eileen M. Hasser and Cheryl M. Heesch 35 Control Mechanisms of the Circulatory System, 352 Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and Eileen M. Hasser 36 Microcirculation, Lymph, and Edema, 372 Luis A. Martinez?]Lemus and M. Harold Laughlin 37 Pulmonary Circulation, 386 David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson 38 Special Circulations, 399 Eileen M. Hasser, Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and M. Harold Laughlin 39 Heart Sounds and Murmurs, 417 Michele Borgarelli and Jens Häggström 40 Hypertension, Heart Failure, and Shock, 429 Scott A. Brown 41 Exercise Physiology of Terrestrial Animals, 443 David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson Section VII: Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 42 Gastrointestinal Motility, 467 Jesse P. Goff 43 Secretory Activities of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 484 Jesse P. Goff 44 Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients, 502 Jesse P. Goff 45 Ruminant Digestive Physiology and Intestinal Microbiology, 522 Jesse P. Goff 46 Avian Digestion, 532 William O. Reece and Darrell W. Trampel 47 Disorders of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism, 541 Jesse P. Goff 48 Vitamins, 551 Jesse P. Goff Section VIII: Minerals, Bones, and Joints (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 49 Minerals, 567 Jesse P. Goff 50 Cartilage, Bones, and Joints, 593 Jesse P. Goff Section IX: Endocrinology, Reproduction, and Lactation (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 51 The Endocrine System, 617 Jesse P. Goff 52 Male Reproduction in Mammals, 654 William O. Reece 53 Female Reproduction in Mammals, 670 William O. Reece 54 Lactation, 694 Patrick J. Gorden and Leo L. Timms 55 Avian Reproduction, 715 Patricia A. Johnson Index, 727
Show moreWilliam O. Reece, DVM, PhD, is University Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Howard Erickson, DVM, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Physiology in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. Jesse P. Goff, DVM, PhD, is Professor and Anderson Chair in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, Iowa, USA. Etsuro E. Uemura, DVM, MS, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
List of contributors, vii Preface, ix Acknowledgments, x Tributes, xi About the companion website, xii Section I: Neurophysiology (Section Editor: Etsuro E. Uemura) 1 Nervous Tissue, 3 Etsuro E. Uemura 2 Electrochemical Basis of Neuronal Function, 13 Etsuro E. Uemura 3 Synaptic Transmission, 23 Etsuro E. Uemura 4 Somatic and Visceral Senses, 32 Etsuro E. Uemura 5 Olfaction and Gustation, 43 Etsuro E. Uemura 6 Auditory System, 49 Etsuro E. Uemura 7 Visual System, 57 Etsuro E. Uemura 8 Motor System, 68 Etsuro E. Uemura 9 Vestibular System, 79 Etsuro E. Uemura 10 Autonomic Nervous System, 89 Etsuro E. Uemura Section II: Body Fluids and Homeostasis (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 11 Body Water: Properties and Functions, 103 William O. Reece 12 The Composition and Functions of Blood, 114 William O. Reece 13 Fundamentals of Acid-Base Balance, 137 William O. Reece 14 Body Temperature and Its Regulation, 149 William O. Reece Section III: The Kidneys and Urinary System (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 15 The Renal System: Structures and Function, 157 William O. Reece 16 Glomerular Filtration and Tubular Transport, 166 William O. Reece 17 Maintenance of Extracellular Fluid Hydration, 173 William O. Reece 18 Kidney Regulation of Extracellular Volume and Electrolytes, 180 William O. Reece 19 Micturition, Characteristics of Urine, and Renal Clearance, 188 William O. Reece 20 Kidney Function in Birds, 193 William O. Reece Section IV: Respiration (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 21 Overview of the Respiratory System, 203 William O. Reece 22 Physical and Mechanical Aspects of Respiration, 213 William O. Reece 23 Pulmonary Ventilation and Transport of Gases, 222 William O. Reece 24 Regulation of Respiration, 232 William O. Reece 25 Other Functions of the Respiratory System, 239 William O. Reece 26 Respiration in Birds, 245 John W. Ludders Section V: Muscle Physiology (Section Editor: William O. Reece) 27 Physiology of Skeletal Muscle, 263 William O. Reece 28 Physiology of Smooth Muscle, 274 William O. Reece 29 Physiology of Cardiac Muscle, Muscle Adaptations, and Muscle Disorders, 279 William O. Reece Section VI: The Cardiovascular System (Section Editor: Howard H. Erickson) 30 The Heart and Vasculature: Gross Structure and Basic Properties, 287 Dean H. Riedesel and Richard L. Engen 31 Electrophysiology of the Heart, 304 Robert F. Gilmour, Jr 32 The Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Arrhythmias, 315 Robert F. Gilmour, Jr and N. Sydney Moïse 33 Mechanical Activity of the Heart, 327 Dean H. Riedesel 34 Regulation of the Heart, 341 David D. Kline, Eileen M. Hasser and Cheryl M. Heesch 35 Control Mechanisms of the Circulatory System, 352 Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and Eileen M. Hasser 36 Microcirculation, Lymph, and Edema, 372 Luis A. Martinez?]Lemus and M. Harold Laughlin 37 Pulmonary Circulation, 386 David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson 38 Special Circulations, 399 Eileen M. Hasser, Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and M. Harold Laughlin 39 Heart Sounds and Murmurs, 417 Michele Borgarelli and Jens Häggström 40 Hypertension, Heart Failure, and Shock, 429 Scott A. Brown 41 Exercise Physiology of Terrestrial Animals, 443 David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson Section VII: Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 42 Gastrointestinal Motility, 467 Jesse P. Goff 43 Secretory Activities of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 484 Jesse P. Goff 44 Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients, 502 Jesse P. Goff 45 Ruminant Digestive Physiology and Intestinal Microbiology, 522 Jesse P. Goff 46 Avian Digestion, 532 William O. Reece and Darrell W. Trampel 47 Disorders of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism, 541 Jesse P. Goff 48 Vitamins, 551 Jesse P. Goff Section VIII: Minerals, Bones, and Joints (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 49 Minerals, 567 Jesse P. Goff 50 Cartilage, Bones, and Joints, 593 Jesse P. Goff Section IX: Endocrinology, Reproduction, and Lactation (Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff) 51 The Endocrine System, 617 Jesse P. Goff 52 Male Reproduction in Mammals, 654 William O. Reece 53 Female Reproduction in Mammals, 670 William O. Reece 54 Lactation, 694 Patrick J. Gorden and Leo L. Timms 55 Avian Reproduction, 715 Patricia A. Johnson Index, 727
Show moreList of Contributors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments x
Tributes xi
About the Companion Website xii
Section I: Neurophysiology
(Section Editor: Etsuro E.
1 Nervous Tissue 3
Etsuro E. Uemura
2 Electrochemical Basis of Neuronal Function 13
Etsuro E. Uemura
3 Synaptic Transmission 23
Etsuro E. Uemura
4 Somatic and Visceral Senses 32
Etsuro E. Uemura
5 Olfaction and Gustation 43
Etsuro E. Uemura
6 Auditory System 49
Etsuro E. Uemura
7 Visual System 57
Etsuro E. Uemura
8 Motor System 68
Etsuro E. Uemura
9 Vestibular System 79
Etsuro E. Uemura
10 Autonomic Nervous System 89
Etsuro E. Uemura
Section II: Body Fluids and Homeostasis
Editor: William O. Reece)
11 Body Water: Properties and Functions 103
William O. Reece
12 The Composition and Functions of Blood 114
William O. Reece
13 Fundamentals of Acid–Base Balance 137
William O. Reece
14 Body Temperature and Its Regulation 149
William O. Reece
Section III: The Kidneys and Urinary System
Editor: William O. Reece)
15 The Renal System: Structures and Function 157
William O. Reece
16 Glomerular Filtration and Tubular Transport 166
William O. Reece
17 Maintenance of Extracellular Fluid Hydration 173
William O. Reece
18 Kidney Regulation of Extracellular Volume and Electrolytes
William O. Reece
19 Micturition Characteristics of Urine and Renal Clearance
William O. Reece
20 Kidney Function in Birds 193
William O. Reece
Section IV: Respiration
(Section Editor: William O.
21 Overview of the Respiratory System 203
William O. Reece
22 Physical and Mechanical Aspects of Respiration 213
William O. Reece
23 Pulmonary Ventilation and Transport of Gases 222
William O. Reece
24 Regulation of Respiration 232
William O. Reece
25 Other Functions of the Respiratory System 239
William O. Reece
26 Respiration in Birds 245
John W. Ludders
Section V: Muscle Physiology
(Section Editor: William
O. Reece)
27 Physiology of Skeletal Muscle 263
William O. Reece
28 Physiology of Smooth Muscle 274
William O. Reece
29 Physiology of Cardiac Muscle Muscle Adaptations and Muscle
Disorders 279
William O. Reece
Section VI: The Cardiovascular System
(Section Editor:
Howard H. Erickson)
30 The Heart and Vasculature: Gross Structure and Basic
Properties 287
Dean H. Riedesel and Richard L. Engen
31 Electrophysiology of the Heart 304
Robert F. Gilmour, Jr
32 The Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Arrhythmias 315
Robert F. Gilmour, Jr and N. Sydney Moïse
33 Mechanical Activity of the Heart 327
Dean H. Riedesel
34 Regulation of the Heart 341
David D. Kline, Eileen M. Hasser and Cheryl M. Heesch
35 Control Mechanisms of the Circulatory System 352
Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and Eileen M. Hasser
36 Microcirculation Lymph and Edema 372
Luis A. Martinez‐Lemus and M. Harold Laughlin
37 Pulmonary Circulation 386
David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson
38 Special Circulations 399
Eileen M. Hasser, Cheryl M. Heesch, David D. Kline and M. Harold
39 Heart Sounds and Murmurs 417
Michele Borgarelli and Jens Häggström
40 Hypertension Heart Failure and Shock 429
Scott A. Brown
41 Exercise Physiology of Terrestrial Animals 443
David C. Poole and Howard H. Erickson
Section VII: Digestion Absorption and
(Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff)
42 Gastrointestinal Motility 467
Jesse P. Goff
43 Secretory Activities of the Gastrointestinal Tract 484
Jesse P. Goff
44 Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients 502
Jesse P. Goff
45 Ruminant Digestive Physiology and Intestinal Microbiology
Jesse P. Goff
46 Avian Digestion 532
William O. Reece and Darrell
W. Trampel
47 Disorders of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism 541
Jesse P. Goff
48 Vitamins 551
Jesse P. Goff
Section VIII: Minerals Bones and Joints
Editor: Jesse P. Goff)
49 Minerals 567
Jesse P. Goff
50 Cartilage Bones and Joints 593
Jesse P. Goff
Section IX: Endocrinology Reproduction and
(Section Editor: Jesse P. Goff)
51 The Endocrine System 617
Jesse P. Goff
52 Male Reproduction in Mammals 654
William O. Reece
53 Female Reproduction in Mammals 670
William O. Reece
54 Lactation 694
Patrick J. Gorden and Leo L.
55 Avian Reproduction 715
Patricia A. Johnson
Index 727
William O. Reece, DVM, PhD, is University ProfessorEmeritus in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College ofVeterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Howard Erickson, DVM, PhD, is Professor Emeritus ofPhysiology in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, College ofVeterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas,USA. Jesse P. Goff, DVM, PhD, is Professor and Anderson Chair inthe Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University,College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, Iowa, USA. Etsuro E. Uemura, DVM, MS, PhD, is Professor in theDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
“Overall, this book provides a fulfilling overview of the physiology knowledge required for veterinary students during their time at university and in their future career. I like the fact that it is easy to use and feel that the self-evaluation sections will be particularly welcome for veterinary students.” (Veterinary Record, 1 December 2015) “It is certainly a textbook worth consideration for undergraduate or professional physiology courses and those interested in the comparative aspects of physiology.” (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 15 September 2015)
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