Paperback : $104.00
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has dramatically changed the business and social landscape, including human behavior not only in advanced countries but also in emerging countries. Technology development affects many aspects in our society, including education. Distance learning, big data and analytics, artificial intelligent and many digital innovations have been released to improve better quality education in our society. These proceedings provide selected papers/research about innovative digital technology in education and pedagogy in Industrial revolution 4.0 covering issues like: pedagogy, education management, early childhood education, research in education, training and vocational education and social science education, earth science education and art/linguistic education related to digital innovation.
This book provides details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. It will be invaluable to professionals and academics in the field of education and pedagogy to get an understanding of recent research.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has dramatically changed the business and social landscape, including human behavior not only in advanced countries but also in emerging countries. Technology development affects many aspects in our society, including education. Distance learning, big data and analytics, artificial intelligent and many digital innovations have been released to improve better quality education in our society. These proceedings provide selected papers/research about innovative digital technology in education and pedagogy in Industrial revolution 4.0 covering issues like: pedagogy, education management, early childhood education, research in education, training and vocational education and social science education, earth science education and art/linguistic education related to digital innovation.
This book provides details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. It will be invaluable to professionals and academics in the field of education and pedagogy to get an understanding of recent research.
Organizing committee
Scientific review committeeIdeology in the Indonesian President’s
speech: Study in the dimension of ontology, epistemology, and
axiology; S. Rafiqa
Improving early childhood education students’ knowledge about
culture as the local wisdom; T. Chandrawati
Role of religious value education based on IPS learning to build
social intelligence; Siswandi, S. Al-Muchtar, E. Malihah & H.
Students’ perception of Open University of Indonesia online
tutorial; Prayekti
The Baumatahutn traditional values of Dayak Kanayatn communities in
implementing social studies based on ethnopedagogy; S. Bahri,
Hemafitria & E.T. Lestari
Perception of kindergarten teachers on the utilization of
traditional games in learning in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia; S.
A self-regulated learning process to enhancement of student
teachers’ education in Indonesia: A qualitative approach; A.D.J.
To reach the unreached: Online learning to improve early childhood
education teachers’ competencies in the digital Era; D.R.
Reflective practice teacher education: Constraints at Universitas
Terbuka; I. Rokhiyah
Student satisfaction in academic services, teaching materials,
online tutorials, and practicum at the department of biology
education in Open University; G. Nurdin, K. Iryani & A.
Measuring a culture-based teachers education and training program’s
effectiveness: Implications for physics teachers’ PCK; I.P. Soko &
Y. Sudarso
Developing mathematical disposition of 8th grade students through
MEAs strategy; E. Wahyuningrum & Y.S. Kusumah
Writing language ability of indonesian education program student in
Universitas Terbuka; E. Rusyana
The relationship of parents’ psychosocial stimulation with multiple
intelligence level of kindergarten children, age 5–6 years; D.
Using GeoEnZo software in geometry to teach Primary School Teacher
(PST) students; I. Novianti
Development of mobile learning with constructive models in
trigonometry material at senior high school 8 in Semarang;
Nurmawati & P. Tetralian Bantining Ngastiti
Assessment of critical education concepts in the perspective of
Islamic education; S. Idris, Tabrani Z.A., F.S. Ismail & Amsori
Enhancing learners’ speaking skills by using multimedia: An online
learning perspective; L.S. Ardiasih & Juhana
The impact of online games on language aggression behavior of
adolescents in warnet; R. Sa’diyah & A. Kusmawati
Gender differences in academic stress among psychology students;
D.K. Dewi & I.E.P. Ningsih
Conceptual framework used to improve the problem solving
integration for kindergarten children; Nuraida, F. Jalal &
Code-switching in Whatsapp group of Indonesian Participating Youth
(IPY) 37; I.T. Yunianika
Development of interactive whiteboard media using Realistic
Mathematics Education models in early childhood; E. Kurniasih &
L.R. Masduki
Education from the urban marginal society’s perspective; N.W.
Wardhani, A.T.S. Priyanto, E. Handoyo, M.H. Susanti & S. Narimo
Reconstruction of creative movement to instill good character in
kindergarten children; S. Aisyah, T. Chandrawati, D. Novita & P.A.
The utilization of cow dung as a biogas fuel in Cibiru Wetan,
Bandung; M. Sudirman, A.S. Hendrayana, N. Setiana & R.D.
Implementation of School-Based Management in SMP Negeri 1 Bantul;
Exploratory Factor Analysis of the HEdPERF’s scales on Balikpapan
State Polytechnic; S. Ghozi, A.A. Rakim & Mahfud
Is financial education needed in elementary school?; D.S.
Puspitarona, I. Abdulhak & Rusman
Management of practical courses in the early childhood study
program: Challenges for Open University of Indonesia; Marisa, T.
Chandrawati & D. Novita
Use of interactive video program base on a problem-based learning
approach in Universitas Terbuka; S. Prabowo & Andayani
Target situation analysis of writing for academic purposes in
Indonesiantertiary education: Users’ insight; A. Yundayani & D.
Pushing toward internationalization of higher education: Challenges
for a newcomer; S. Hadianti & B. Arisandi
Utilization of digital teaching materials from internet networks to
increase student motivation in learning science; H. Khotimah, N.
Hidayat, Y. Supriyati & A. Supena
Parenting in the digital era: Dealing with the impact of
technological developments on children’s moral development; A.N.
Izzati, L.S. Ardiasih & A. Yundayani
Audio visual media versus games media on mastery of English
vocabulary for elementary school student; D.S. Bimo & M.Y.
Students’ instructional success: A foundation of psychology
perspective; W.A. Surasmi, Dwikoranto, A.F. Ali & A. Rachman
Intensive communication with parents key to success in handling
autism in children: A case study in parental affection for autistic
patients in Bogor; S. Nawati
Distance learners’ readiness for online final examinations; Y.
Sukarsih & S.D. Antoro
Challenges in implementing a curriculum: A case study of SD Negeri
Pudjokusuman 1 teachers; M. Handayani & A.H. Saputra
Student perceptions of face-to-face tutorials in Handling Children
with Special Needs (HCSN) classes in Universitas Terbuka (UT); M.
Distance learning skills training (PKBJJ) for students; A. Prastya,
D. Restia & Stefani
Development of educational traffic signs game based on android for
elementary school students; A. Rachman, D.A. Fatimah, H. Nugroho,
Sulistyowati, W. Widodo & W.A. Surasmi
The benefits of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) training for
improvement of students’ SRL; U. Rahayu, A. Sapriati & Y.
Initial research on online-enriched microteaching in higher
teacher’s open and distance education; U. Kusmawan, S. Sumiyati &
D.R. Jovanka
Students’ perceptions of learning media video blogs in online
tutorials; B. Muflikah, Y. Suharno & V.A. Kusuma
Reality and public perception of the implementation of Islamic
sharia laws in Banda Acèh; A. Manan, Gunawan & Muhibbuthabry
Improving children’s emotional intelligence through cooperative
learning methods; S. Sukatmi
Construction of Islamic education in the education system in
Indonesia; Hayati, Tabrani Z.A., Syahril, S. Idris & R.
The local governance system based on the special autonomy law in
Indonesia; M.N. Umar, R. Murziqin, Baihaqi As, Sanusi, F.
Andriyadi, Sulaiman, Syahril & Z.A. Tabrani
Behavior of millennials in using the internet for learning; J.
Employers’ response to chemistry education graduates of Universitas
Terbuka; S.S. Adji, S. Hamda & Jamaludin
The use of hypermedia for Indonesian language learning in distance
education; B. Pratiwi
Social behavior of students in the “seize the ball” game; U.Z.
Mikdar & R. Sugiyanto
Assessment of practical work in the biology education program,
distance education; A. Sapriati, M. Sekarwinahyu, U. Rahayu & S.
Are digital books in android applications and web-based virtual
books effective for distance learning? A lesson from Universitas
Terbuka Indonesia; Y. Riady
The effect of learning style and motivation on students’ learning
achievement at UPBJJ-UT Makassar (study on undergraduate public
administration students); Jamil & N. Aliah A digital mind-mapping tool to promote a mobile-based
technology approach in writing courses; R.A. Karim, M.H.M. Tahir,
A.H.M. Adnan, N. Idris, I. Ismail & A.G. Abu
Effects of constructivist learning on inductive reasoning ability
and attitude towards mathematics; Yumiati & S. Haji
Engagement and convergence: Leadership for a world-class education
in mathematics and technology; P.S. Moyer-Packenham
Education 4.0 and intercultural understanding: Perspectives from
Australia and Indonesia; R. Reynolds
Culture and local wisdom in the global era: The importance of
meaningful learning; S.A. Sayuti
Author index
Prof. Udan Kusmawan, M.A., Ph.D. is currently the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia. He was the committee chair of the International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy in 2019. His educational background is chemical education and curriculum. His research interests are primarily in curriculum and education, learning and teaching pedagogy, e-learning, online micro learning, and collaborative learning and teaching.
Dr. Siti Aisyah, M.Pd. is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education for cooperation and students affair. Her educational background is in Early Childhood Education. Her research interests are early childhood education, education in multicultural settings, children’s critical thinking, children’s cognitive and language development, children’s creativity, education, teaching, and learning.
Dra. Isti Rokhiyah, M.A., Ph.D. is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education for General and Financial Affairs. Her educational background is in biological education. Her research interests are mostly in biological education, primary education, science practice in primary school.
Dra. Andayani, M.Ed. is a lecturer at the Elementary Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Her background is in primary education. Her research interests are mostly in the primary education area, learning in multigrade settings, teaching clinics, e-learning, teaching, and learning.
Della Raymena Jovanka, S.Pd., M.Si. is a lecturer at the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Her research interests are in early childhood development, the theory of mind, classroom action research, teaching and learning, teacher professional development, learning clinics, e-learning.
Dr. Dodi Sukmayadi, M.Sc., Ed. is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education for Academic Affairs. His educational background is in Physics Education. His research interests are philosophy in education, physics education, virtual teaching clinics, laboratory activities in educational settings.
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