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Foundations of Intelligent ­Systems
13th International Symposium, ISMIS 2002, Lyon, France, June 27-29, 2002. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
By Mohand-Said Hacid (Edited by), Zbigniew W. Ras (Edited by), Djamel A. Zighed (Edited by), Yves Kodratoff (Edited by)

Paperback, 616 pages
Germany, 1 June 2002

This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the 13th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems ISMIS 2002, held in Lyon, France, 27-29 June, 2002. The symposium was organized by the UniversitØ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the UniversitØ Lumière Lyon 2, l¿Institut National des Sciences AppliquØes de Lyon, and hosted by the UniversitØ Claude Bernard Lyon 1. The ISMIS conference series was started in 1986 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since then it has been held in Charlotte (North Carolina), Knoxville (Tennessee), Turin (Italy), Trondheim (Norway), Warsaw (Poland), and Zakopane (Poland). The program committee selected the following major areas for ISMIS 2002: Intelligent Multimedia, Intelligent Information Retrieval, Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Representation and Integration, Learning and Knowledge Discovery, Logic for Artificial Intelligence, Methodologies (modeling, design, validation, performance evaluation), and Soft Computing. The contributed papers were selected from approximately 160 full draft papers by the following program committee: L. Carlucci Aiello, N. Belkhiter, P. Berka, E. Bertino, P. Bosc, H. Briand, J. Calmet, S. Carberry, L. Carbonara, B. Catania, T. Catarci, N.J. Cercone, J. Chen, W. Chu, L. De Raedt, J. Debenham, R. Demolombe, B.C. Desai, E. El-Kwae, T. Elomaa, P. Emmerman, F. Esposito, J. Fan, P.A. Flach, P. Gallinari, A. Giordana, M.-S. Hacid, M. Hadzikadic, H.J. Hamilton, D. Hislop, C.A. Johnson, W. Kloesgen, Y. Kodratoff, L. Lakhal, T.Y. Lin, D. Malerba, D. Maluf, S. Matwin, R. Meersman, R.S. Michalski, S. Miguet, M. Mukaidono, N. Nicoloyannis, S. Ohsuga, L.

Invited Papers.- Knowledge Representation for Information Integration.- Infrastructure and Interoperability for Agent-Mediated Services.- Improving Classification by Removing or Relabeling Mislabeled Instances.- Incremental Learning with Partial Instance Memory.- KDD-Based Approach to Musical Instrument Sound Recognition.- Learning Significant Alignments: An Alternative to Normalized Local Alignment.- Intelligent User Interface and Ontologies.- A Plausibility Description Logics for Reasoning with Information Sources Having Different Formats and Structures.- Roles of Ontologies for Web Intelligence.- Handling Semantic Inconsistencies in Distributed Knowledge Systems Using Ontologies.- Structured Ontology and Information Retrieval for Email Search and Discovery.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Conceptual Clustering of Heterogeneous Sequences via Schema Mapping.- Is a Greedy Covering Strategy an Extreme Boosting?.- Acquisition of a Knowledge Dictionary from Training Examples Including Multiple Values.- Mining Bayesian Network Structure for Large Sets of Variables.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- Automatic Generation of Trivia Questions.- Answering Queries Addressed to Several Databases: A Query Evaluator which Implements a Majority Merging Approach.- Minimal Generalizations under OI-Implication.- I-Search: A System for Intelligent Information Search on the Web.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Four-Valued Knowledge Augmentation for Representing Structured Documents.- WISECON - An Intelligent Assistant for Buying Computers on the Internet.- Basic Semantics of the Logic of Plausible Reasoning.- Logic-Based Reasoning on Delegatable Authorizations.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Mixing Selections and Foreign Key Joins in Queries against Possibilistic Databases.- Aggregates as Meta Functions.- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Querying Heterogeneous Databases.- Using User Profiles in Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Partition-Refining Algorithms for Learning Finite State Automata.- Computing Full and Iceberg Datacubes Using Partitions.- A Dynamic Approach to Dimensionality Reduction in Relational Learning.- Incremental and Dynamic Text Mining.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- A Logic Framework for the Integration of Databases.- Inference for Annotated Logics over Distributive Lattices.- Disjunctive Logic Programs with Inheritance Revisited.- Knowledge Constructions for Artificial Intelligence.- Methodologies and Soft Computing.- Validation and Reparation of Knowledge Bases.- Automated Discovery of Decision Rule Chains Using Rough Sets and Medical Diagnostic Model.- Inheriting Parents Operators: A New Dynamic Strategy for Improving Evolutionary Algorithms.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- An Intelligent Web Recommendation System: A Web Usage Mining Approach.- Porphyry 2001: Semantics for Scholarly Publications Retrieval.- Preprocessor to Improve Performance of GA in Determining Bending Process for Sheet Metal Industry.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Recognizing and Discovering Complex Events in Sequences.- Why to Apply Generalized Disjunction-Free Generators Representation of Frequent Patterns?.- Trading-Off Local versus Global Effects of Regression Nodes in Model Trees.- Intelligent Information Systems.- An Efficient Intelligent Agent System for Automated Recommendation in Electronic Commerce.- Matching an XML Document against a Set of DTDs.- Decision Tree Modeling with Relational Views.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Discovering Sequential Association Rules with Constraints and Time Lags in Multiple Sequences.- Mining Association Rules in Preference-Ordered Data.- Unknown Attribute Values Processing by Meta-learner.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Intelligent Buffer Cache Management in Multimedia Data Retrieval.- A Logical Formalization of Semistructured Data Models.- Solving Travel Problems by Integrating Web Information with Planning.- Methodologies.- A Framework for Generating Task Specific Information Extraction Systems.- A Formal Framework for Reasoning on UML Class Diagrams.- A Biological Approach to the Development of Computer Autoimmune Systems.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- Adaptive Layout Analysis of Document Images.- A NLG-Based Presentation Method for Supporting KDD End-Users.- A Tool Supported Structured Method for Planning Domain Acquisition.- Intelligent Information Systems.- Probabilistic Aggregates.- Samples for Understanding Data-Semantics in Relations.- Cooperation of Multiple Strategies for Automated Learning in Complex Environments.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Classifier Fusion Using Local Confidence.- Feature Selection for Ensembles of Simple Bayesian Classifiers.- Data Squashing for Speeding Up Boosting-Based Outlier Detection.

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Product Description

This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the 13th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems ISMIS 2002, held in Lyon, France, 27-29 June, 2002. The symposium was organized by the UniversitØ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the UniversitØ Lumière Lyon 2, l¿Institut National des Sciences AppliquØes de Lyon, and hosted by the UniversitØ Claude Bernard Lyon 1. The ISMIS conference series was started in 1986 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since then it has been held in Charlotte (North Carolina), Knoxville (Tennessee), Turin (Italy), Trondheim (Norway), Warsaw (Poland), and Zakopane (Poland). The program committee selected the following major areas for ISMIS 2002: Intelligent Multimedia, Intelligent Information Retrieval, Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Representation and Integration, Learning and Knowledge Discovery, Logic for Artificial Intelligence, Methodologies (modeling, design, validation, performance evaluation), and Soft Computing. The contributed papers were selected from approximately 160 full draft papers by the following program committee: L. Carlucci Aiello, N. Belkhiter, P. Berka, E. Bertino, P. Bosc, H. Briand, J. Calmet, S. Carberry, L. Carbonara, B. Catania, T. Catarci, N.J. Cercone, J. Chen, W. Chu, L. De Raedt, J. Debenham, R. Demolombe, B.C. Desai, E. El-Kwae, T. Elomaa, P. Emmerman, F. Esposito, J. Fan, P.A. Flach, P. Gallinari, A. Giordana, M.-S. Hacid, M. Hadzikadic, H.J. Hamilton, D. Hislop, C.A. Johnson, W. Kloesgen, Y. Kodratoff, L. Lakhal, T.Y. Lin, D. Malerba, D. Maluf, S. Matwin, R. Meersman, R.S. Michalski, S. Miguet, M. Mukaidono, N. Nicoloyannis, S. Ohsuga, L.

Invited Papers.- Knowledge Representation for Information Integration.- Infrastructure and Interoperability for Agent-Mediated Services.- Improving Classification by Removing or Relabeling Mislabeled Instances.- Incremental Learning with Partial Instance Memory.- KDD-Based Approach to Musical Instrument Sound Recognition.- Learning Significant Alignments: An Alternative to Normalized Local Alignment.- Intelligent User Interface and Ontologies.- A Plausibility Description Logics for Reasoning with Information Sources Having Different Formats and Structures.- Roles of Ontologies for Web Intelligence.- Handling Semantic Inconsistencies in Distributed Knowledge Systems Using Ontologies.- Structured Ontology and Information Retrieval for Email Search and Discovery.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Conceptual Clustering of Heterogeneous Sequences via Schema Mapping.- Is a Greedy Covering Strategy an Extreme Boosting?.- Acquisition of a Knowledge Dictionary from Training Examples Including Multiple Values.- Mining Bayesian Network Structure for Large Sets of Variables.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- Automatic Generation of Trivia Questions.- Answering Queries Addressed to Several Databases: A Query Evaluator which Implements a Majority Merging Approach.- Minimal Generalizations under OI-Implication.- I-Search: A System for Intelligent Information Search on the Web.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Four-Valued Knowledge Augmentation for Representing Structured Documents.- WISECON - An Intelligent Assistant for Buying Computers on the Internet.- Basic Semantics of the Logic of Plausible Reasoning.- Logic-Based Reasoning on Delegatable Authorizations.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Mixing Selections and Foreign Key Joins in Queries against Possibilistic Databases.- Aggregates as Meta Functions.- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Querying Heterogeneous Databases.- Using User Profiles in Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Partition-Refining Algorithms for Learning Finite State Automata.- Computing Full and Iceberg Datacubes Using Partitions.- A Dynamic Approach to Dimensionality Reduction in Relational Learning.- Incremental and Dynamic Text Mining.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- A Logic Framework for the Integration of Databases.- Inference for Annotated Logics over Distributive Lattices.- Disjunctive Logic Programs with Inheritance Revisited.- Knowledge Constructions for Artificial Intelligence.- Methodologies and Soft Computing.- Validation and Reparation of Knowledge Bases.- Automated Discovery of Decision Rule Chains Using Rough Sets and Medical Diagnostic Model.- Inheriting Parents Operators: A New Dynamic Strategy for Improving Evolutionary Algorithms.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- An Intelligent Web Recommendation System: A Web Usage Mining Approach.- Porphyry 2001: Semantics for Scholarly Publications Retrieval.- Preprocessor to Improve Performance of GA in Determining Bending Process for Sheet Metal Industry.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Recognizing and Discovering Complex Events in Sequences.- Why to Apply Generalized Disjunction-Free Generators Representation of Frequent Patterns?.- Trading-Off Local versus Global Effects of Regression Nodes in Model Trees.- Intelligent Information Systems.- An Efficient Intelligent Agent System for Automated Recommendation in Electronic Commerce.- Matching an XML Document against a Set of DTDs.- Decision Tree Modeling with Relational Views.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Discovering Sequential Association Rules with Constraints and Time Lags in Multiple Sequences.- Mining Association Rules in Preference-Ordered Data.- Unknown Attribute Values Processing by Meta-learner.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Intelligent Buffer Cache Management in Multimedia Data Retrieval.- A Logical Formalization of Semistructured Data Models.- Solving Travel Problems by Integrating Web Information with Planning.- Methodologies.- A Framework for Generating Task Specific Information Extraction Systems.- A Formal Framework for Reasoning on UML Class Diagrams.- A Biological Approach to the Development of Computer Autoimmune Systems.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- Adaptive Layout Analysis of Document Images.- A NLG-Based Presentation Method for Supporting KDD End-Users.- A Tool Supported Structured Method for Planning Domain Acquisition.- Intelligent Information Systems.- Probabilistic Aggregates.- Samples for Understanding Data-Semantics in Relations.- Cooperation of Multiple Strategies for Automated Learning in Complex Environments.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Classifier Fusion Using Local Confidence.- Feature Selection for Ensembles of Simple Bayesian Classifiers.- Data Squashing for Speeding Up Boosting-Based Outlier Detection.

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XII, 616 p.
23.4 x 15.6 x 3.2 centimetres (1.93 kg)

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Springer Book Archives

Table of Contents

Invited Papers.- Knowledge Representation for Information Integration.- Infrastructure and Interoperability for Agent-Mediated Services.- Improving Classification by Removing or Relabeling Mislabeled Instances.- Incremental Learning with Partial Instance Memory.- KDD-Based Approach to Musical Instrument Sound Recognition.- Learning Significant Alignments: An Alternative to Normalized Local Alignment.- Intelligent User Interface and Ontologies.- A Plausibility Description Logics for Reasoning with Information Sources Having Different Formats and Structures.- Roles of Ontologies for Web Intelligence.- Handling Semantic Inconsistencies in Distributed Knowledge Systems Using Ontologies.- Structured Ontology and Information Retrieval for Email Search and Discovery.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Conceptual Clustering of Heterogeneous Sequences via Schema Mapping.- Is a Greedy Covering Strategy an Extreme Boosting?.- Acquisition of a Knowledge Dictionary from Training Examples Including Multiple Values.- Mining Bayesian Network Structure for Large Sets of Variables.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- Automatic Generation of Trivia Questions.- Answering Queries Addressed to Several Databases: A Query Evaluator which Implements a Majority Merging Approach.- Minimal Generalizations under OI-Implication.- I-Search: A System for Intelligent Information Search on the Web.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Four-Valued Knowledge Augmentation for Representing Structured Documents.- WISECON — An Intelligent Assistant for Buying Computers on the Internet.- Basic Semantics of the Logic of Plausible Reasoning.- Logic-Based Reasoning on Delegatable Authorizations.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Mixing Selections and Foreign Key Joins in Queries againstPossibilistic Databases.- Aggregates as Meta Functions.- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Querying Heterogeneous Databases.- Using User Profiles in Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Partition-Refining Algorithms for Learning Finite State Automata.- Computing Full and Iceberg Datacubes Using Partitions.- A Dynamic Approach to Dimensionality Reduction in Relational Learning.- Incremental and Dynamic Text Mining.- Logic for Artificial Intelligence.- A Logic Framework for the Integration of Databases.- Inference for Annotated Logics over Distributive Lattices.- Disjunctive Logic Programs with Inheritance Revisited.- Knowledge Constructions for Artificial Intelligence.- Methodologies and Soft Computing.- Validation and Reparation of Knowledge Bases.- Automated Discovery of Decision Rule Chains Using Rough Sets and Medical Diagnostic Model.- Inheriting Parents Operators: A New Dynamic Strategy for Improving Evolutionary Algorithms.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- An Intelligent Web Recommendation System: A Web Usage Mining Approach.- Porphyry 2001: Semantics for Scholarly Publications Retrieval.- Preprocessor to Improve Performance of GA in Determining Bending Process for Sheet Metal Industry.- Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Integration.- Recognizing and Discovering Complex Events in Sequences.- Why to Apply Generalized Disjunction-Free Generators Representation of Frequent Patterns?.- Trading-Off Local versus Global Effects of Regression Nodes in Model Trees.- Intelligent Information Systems.- An Efficient Intelligent Agent System for Automated Recommendation in Electronic Commerce.- Matching an XML Document against a Set of DTDs.- Decision Tree Modeling with Relational Views.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Discovering SequentialAssociation Rules with Constraints and Time Lags in Multiple Sequences.- Mining Association Rules in Preference-Ordered Data.- Unknown Attribute Values Processing by Meta-learner.- Intelligent Information Retrieval.- Intelligent Buffer Cache Management in Multimedia Data Retrieval.- A Logical Formalization of Semistructured Data Models.- Solving Travel Problems by Integrating Web Information with Planning.- Methodologies.- A Framework for Generating Task Specific Information Extraction Systems.- A Formal Framework for Reasoning on UML Class Diagrams.- A Biological Approach to the Development of Computer Autoimmune Systems.- Intelligent User Interfaces.- Adaptive Layout Analysis of Document Images.- A NLG-Based Presentation Method for Supporting KDD End-Users.- A Tool Supported Structured Method for Planning Domain Acquisition.- Intelligent Information Systems.- Probabilistic Aggregates.- Samples for Understanding Data-Semantics in Relations.- Cooperation of Multiple Strategies for Automated Learning in Complex Environments.- Learning and Knowledge Discovery.- Classifier Fusion Using Local Confidence.- Feature Selection for Ensembles of Simple Bayesian Classifiers.- Data Squashing for Speeding Up Boosting-Based Outlier Detection.

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