1. The Revaluation of All Values as the Purpose of Ecce Homo 2. The Presence of the Revaluation of All Values in Other Later Books and Letters 3. Reading Ecce Homo as Preparatory to Nietzsche’s Revaluation of All Values 4. The Last Chapter, “Why I Am A Destiny,” as Preparatory to the Revaluation of All Values 5. The Roles of Zarathustra and Dionysos in Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo and Late Texts 6. What Can We Learn about the Revaluation of All Values from Ecce homo and Late Texts? Appendix: Outline, Summary and Chronology of Ecce homo Notes Bibliography of Nietzsche literature Index
Re-interpretation of Nietzsche's last work, Ecce Homo, exploring its under-acknowledged philosophical purpose and its connection to Nietzsche's unfinished work on the revaluation of all values.
Thomas H. Brobjer is Professor of Intellectual History at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Thomas Brobjer’s book on Ecce homo presents Nietzsche’s
autogenealogy in a provocative new way. It is a challenge
particularly for Anglophone Nietzsche scholars engaged in rather
scholastic debates. The study demonstrates how Ecce homo is
intended to prepare Nietzsche’s late main project of a
“transvaluation of all values” (“Umwerthung aller Werthe”) and how
this project has to be reconsidered.
*Andreas Urs Sommer, Professor of Philosophy and Executive Director
of the Nietzsche Research Center, University of Freiburg,
Brobjer avoids dichotomising between Ecce Homo as autobiography and
as a philosophical work, recognising the interconnection between
Nietzsche’s life and philosophy. Employing thorough analysis of
letters and drafts, Brobjer takes a distinctive approach to Ecce
Homo as preparing a revaluation of values, while advancing
important reflections on the symbol of Dionysius.
*Katrina Mitcheson, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of
the West of England, UK*
This book.. heralds a great future for Nietzsche scholarship, for
what it calls and awakens a hunger for is the revaluation of both
the Nachlass and Nietzsche’s final two books.
*Journal of the History of Philosophy*
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