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Placing the Academy
Essays on Landscape, Work, and Identity

Hardback, 307 pages
United States, 1 March 2007

A set of creative writers here responds to the call for literature that addresses who we are by understanding where we are— where, for each of them, being somehow part of the academy. Their personal essays delineate the diverse, sometimes unexpected roles of place in shaping them, as writers and teachers in varied environments, through unique experiences and distinctive worldviews— in reconfiguring their conjunctions of identity and setting, here, there, everywhere, and in between.   Offering creative comments on place, identity, and academic work are authors Charles Bergman, Mary Clearman Blew, Jayne Brim Box, Jeffrey M. Buchanan, Norma Elia Cantú , Katherine Fischer, Kathryn T. Flannery, Diana Garcia, Janice M. Gould, Seá n W. Henne, Rona Kaufman, Deborah A. Miranda, Erin E. Moore, Kathleen Dean Moore, Robert Michael Pyle, Jennifer Sinor, Scott Slovic, Michael Sowder, Lee Torda, Charles Waugh, and Mitsuye Yamada.

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Product Description

A set of creative writers here responds to the call for literature that addresses who we are by understanding where we are— where, for each of them, being somehow part of the academy. Their personal essays delineate the diverse, sometimes unexpected roles of place in shaping them, as writers and teachers in varied environments, through unique experiences and distinctive worldviews— in reconfiguring their conjunctions of identity and setting, here, there, everywhere, and in between.   Offering creative comments on place, identity, and academic work are authors Charles Bergman, Mary Clearman Blew, Jayne Brim Box, Jeffrey M. Buchanan, Norma Elia Cantú , Katherine Fischer, Kathryn T. Flannery, Diana Garcia, Janice M. Gould, Seá n W. Henne, Rona Kaufman, Deborah A. Miranda, Erin E. Moore, Kathleen Dean Moore, Robert Michael Pyle, Jennifer Sinor, Scott Slovic, Michael Sowder, Lee Torda, Charles Waugh, and Mitsuye Yamada.

Product Details
23.3 x 16.5 x 2.5 centimetres (0.57 kg)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents I. Introduction 1. Writing Place Jennifer Sinor II. Here 2. Six Kinds of Rain: Searching for a Place in the Academy Kathleen Dean Moore and Erin E. Moore 3. The Work the Landscape Calls Us To; Michael Sowder 4. Valley Language Diana Garcia 5. What I Learned from the Campus Plumber Charles Bergman 6. M-I-Crooked Letter-Crooked Letter Katherine Fischer 7. On Frogs, Poems, and Teaching at a Rural Community College Se'n W. Henne III. There 8. Levittown Breeds Anarchists! Film at 11:00 Kathryn T. Flannery 9. Living in a Transformed Desert Mitsuye Yamada 10. A More Fortunate Destiny Jayne Brim Box 11. Imagined Vietnams Charles Waugh IV. Everywhere 12. Teaching on Stolen Ground Deborah A. Miranda 13. The Blind Teaching the Blind: The Academic as Naturalist, or Not Robert Michael Pyle 14. Where Are You From? Lee Torda V. In Between 15. Going Away to Think Scott Slovic 16. Fronteriza Consciousness: The Site and Language of the Academy and of Life Norma Elia Cant' 17. Bones of Summer Mary Clearman Blew; 18. Singing, Speaking, and Seeing a World Janice M. Gould 19. Making Places Work: Felt Sense, Identity, and Teaching Jeffrey M. Buchanan VI. Coda 20. Running in Place: The Personal at Work, in Motion, on Campus, and in the Neighborhood Rona Kaufman Contributors

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