Roy Morrison is a writer and energy consultant with over 30 years of diverse experience. He has extensive experience in energy efficiency work, performing energy audits and technical assistance analysis for business, institutional, and government clients. He was the author of the first law in the nation for municipal aggregation for retail electric competition. He also founded the New Hampshire Consumers Utility Cooperative that was the first seller of competitive electricity in New Hampshire. He was a founding staff member of the University of New Hampshire Energy Office. He is currently working on building solar farms in several states with a focus on using roof tops and marginal and contaminated land to be restored for productive energy use. He pursues a variety of sustainability initiatives, including zero carbon planning and greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation planning for New England towns and cities. He delivered a plenary address at the 2013 World Socia
"The Planet's fever is rising. Many major human activities rapidly destroy the livelihoods of humankind. As a result of global warming as well as air, water and soil pollution and increasing weather extremes, millions of animal and plant species are becoming extinct. Accelerated by terrorism and war, the lives of human beings are put into question. How to combat global warming? Sustainability in the ecological, social and economic spheres is crucial. To achieve sustainable economy, cultural and religious behaviour must change, to save the humanity. Peace, social justice, democracy and ecological economy are the key points. The book by Roy Morrison, Sustainability Sutra elaborates on solutions in economy and society. Sustainable economy comes with zero emission technologies and carbon sinking agriculture. The target must be global cooling, instead of accepting global warming. This stimulates an end of live-endangering toxic emissions from fossil fuels, nuclear energy and chemistry, from toxic pesticide agriculture on the one hand. On the other hand, it enables millions of new jobs and fighting against poverty and hunger, which are the source of conflicts and terrorism. Sustainability Sutra is a great contribution to a discussion on how to stop and reduce the planet's fever." Hans-Josef Fell , Member of the German parliament (1998-2013) President of the Energy Watch Group Author of Global Cooling
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